Latta Family
Like most families with roots in Allegany County, NY, the LATTA family had settlement in the county and branches spread throughout the world.
Friendship seems to be a great place to centralize the presentation of this part of the family since one, Emmit G. Latta, broadcast the Latta name throughout the world via his huge contribution of inventions. Several examples are being shown in the pages that follow of various items of interesting inventions by Emmit and especially regarding his bicycle inventions/improvements (technically, his "velocipede").
Issac S. (3) Samuel (1) James (1). Born Aug. 11, 1822 at Geneva, NY.; d. January
12, 1911; m. Orpha Elizabeth Gorton of Friendship, N.Y. September 18, 1844. She was the daughter of Joseph Gordon and Phebe Baxter. She was born April 25, 1826 and died July 24, 1909. Samuel and Orpha are buried at the Mt. Hope Cemetery, Allegheny County, NY. Samuel was a farmer. Implement and carriage trade. Seven children:
50 EMMIT GIRDELL (5) b. May 28, 1849 in Wirt Township, Allegany County, NY; d. April 10, 1925 in Syracuse, NY. Buried in the Mt. Hope Cemetery, Allegheny Co., NY. Married Lura Brown. Served in the 1st NY Drag.
51 ADRIAN CLARENCE (5) b. abt. 1852 in NY. In the 1880 Census for Friendship, Allegheny Co., NY, he is listed as age 28, a “furniture DI”, in the household of Alonzo Gilbert (a cheese maker) and his wife, Lidia, and their 9 year old son.
52 SAMUEL S. (5) b. Aug. 28, 1854; d. 1915.
160 FANNIE LILLIE (5) b. at Friendship, N.Y. June 30, 1856; d. May 2, 1932; m. Frank Hinman at Friendship, N.Y. January 16, 1879. In 1922 lived at Rochester, N.Y. One child:
*1) Pearl Latta Hinman, Born: November 16, 1887. Married: U.G. Dustine January 1, 1912.
161 FRANK FREMONT (5) b. at Friendship, N.Y. October 29, 1860; d. Nov. 23, 1933; m. Frances Tattersall November 5, 1917. She was born at Glasgow, Scotland 188_, and
died in 1923 at Long Beach, Calif. No children. He was asst. cashier Merchants National Bank,
Wadena, Minn.
162 GEORGE CLINTON (5) b. November 18, 1862 at Friendship, N.Y.; d. May 19,
1904. Buried in the Mt. Hope Cemetery, Allegheny Co., NY. Married Carrie Terwilliger. One child: Ledah Love Star Latta (b. Jan. 29, 1889; d. Sept. 24, 1889 - buried in the Mt. Hope Cemetery, Allegheny Co., NY) Locomotive Engineer on Erie Railroad. Lived at Hornellsville, N.Y. (see chicken story below)
53 SHERIDAN GORTON (5) b. June 19, 1867.
1880 Census - Friendship, Allegheny Co., NY
Sam’l E. LATTA Self M Male W 57 NY Dealer Agricultural Imp. RI RI
Orpha E. LATTA Wife M Female W 53 NY House Keeper NY NY
Samma S. LATTA Son M Male W 25 NY Harness Maker NY NY
Frank F. LATTA Son S Male W 19 NY Telegraph Op. NY NY
George C. LATTA Son S Male W 16 NY NY NY
Sheridan G. LATTA Son S Male W 13 NY At School NY NY
Samuel E. (4) Isaac S. (3) Samuel (2) James (1). Born May 28, 1849 at Wirt Township, Allegany Co., N.Y.; d. April 10, 1925; Wrote a book “ American Descendants of James Latta” this book can be found at the state Library in Albany N.Y.; d. 1932; m. Lura Merriam Brown of Wilcox, Pa. August 27, 1879. She was born at Wilcox, Pa. April 1, 1857; d. November 19, 1921 at Syracuse, N.Y., daughter of Jefferson L. and Helen Amanda Merriam Brown. D.A.R. No. 30946. Emitt G. Latta is listed in the 1892 State Census for Friendship, Alleghany Co., NY, as Emitt G. Latta, male, age 42, birth country - U.S., occupation - “M.E.”, his wife Lura M. Latta, is listed as age 33, and their children, Jefferson B. Latta, age 11, and Frank R. Latta, age 3. For biography of Emmit Girdell Latta, see { Please see the end notes for more detail}.
60 FRANK RAYMOND (6). born Friendship New York, May 15, 1888, and died Santa Rita, New Mexico, September 29, 1952. Had 3 daughters, no sons.
61 HUBERT ISAAC (6). Had 2 daughters, no sons.
247 JEFFERSON BROWN (6) b. July 30, 1880 at Friendship, N.Y.; m. Elizabeth
Francis Wilson at Bellows Falls, Vt. April 28, 1899. No children. Enlisted at Buffalo, N.Y. July 29, 1898 in 202d N.Y. Vols. in Cuba. Mustered out with company at Savanna, Ga. April 15, 1899. Graduate Columbia College. Practiced medicine for twelve years in Syracuse, N.Y. Raised an Ambulance company and went to World War with rank of Caption U.S. Medical Corps. Promoted to Major for distinguished services. Organized and commanded Ambulance Pool at Brent, France with 60 motor ambulances, 400 officers and men. Received commendation from Gen. Pershing; promoted to Lieut. Colonel. In 1923 Executive Officer U.S. Veteran Hospital, No. 76, Maywood, Ills. See his biography at
1880 Census, Friendship, Allegheny Co., NY
Name Relation Mar Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occ. Father’s Birthplace Mother’s Birthplace
Emmet G. LATTA Self M Male W 30 NY Inventor NY NY
Lura B. LATTA Wife M Female W 23 PA Keeping House NY NY
Kate CONERS Other S Female W 30 PA Servant IRE IRE
Wm. H. HUFFMAN Other M Male W 36 PA Hotel Keeper PA PA
More about Emmit Girdell Latta:
Senior member of Latta Bros. bicycle mfg.
Vice President Citizens National Bank of Friendship, N.Y.
Vice President Reliance Shoe Co. of Friendship, N.Y.
Vice President Brown Banking Co. of Wilcox, Pa.
Member of Brown, Latta & Condon, real estate, Wilcox, Pa.
Vice President of Bale St. Paul Lumber Co. of St. Pauls Bay, P.Q. Canada.
1st Vice President of Board of Trustees when Friendship was incorporated.
President Board of Education for over ten years.
Samuel E. (4) Isaac (3) Samuel (2) James (1). Born at Friendship, N.Y. December 5, 1851; d. August 26, 1926; m. Josephine Brown of Elmira, N.Y. April 6, 1887. Her D.A.R. No. is 30045, Friendship, N.Y. Patented a number of mechanical inventions. Junior member of Latta Brost. Bicycle Mfg.. Proprietor of Friendship Ginseng Gardens. Justice of the Peace at Friendship. In 1923 lived at Lakewood, Ills. Real estate. Children:
248 ADAH ELIZABETH (6) b. September 27, 1888 at Friendship, N.Y.; m. William
Corwin of Cleveland, Ohio October 29, 1926. In 1923 lived at Lakewood, Ill. Two children:
Paul Latta b. February 6,1923.
62 GORTON (6) {also seen as: Joseph Ghandi & Jo Ghandi}. b. abt. 1890 in Friendship, NY. No children.
1880 Census - Friendship, Alleghany Co., NY
Alonzo GILBERT Self M Male W 47 NY Cheese Maker CT NY
Lidia GILBERT Wife M Female W 50 NY Keeping House CT NY
Floyd GILBERT Son S Male W 9 MO At School CT NY
Adrain LATTA Other S Male W 28 NY Furniture Dl NY NY
Samuel E. (4) Isaac S. (3) Samuel (2) James (1). Born at Friendship, N.Y. August 28,
1854. Died at Waterloo, N.Y. May 19, 1915; m. Lowis Smalley at Wellsville, N.Y. October
1875. Machinist. Listed as a harness maker in the 1880 Census (lived with his father, Samuel E. Latta - see census above.) Lived at Auburn, N.Y. Two children:
249 MABEL (6) b. at Friendship, N.Y. May 27, 1879; Married: Edward Eitel of New York
City July 24, 1897. Lived at Jersey City, N.J. Children: *1) Lois Elna Eitel. *2) Edward Eitel.
Samuel E. (4) Isaac S. (3) Samuel (2) James (1). Born at Friendship, N.Y. June 19, 1867;
m. Helen Mar Graham of Friendship May 27, 1890. Asst. cashier J.L. Brown Banking Co.,
Wilcox, Pa. Prop. Wilcox Telephone Exchange. Lived at Wilcox. In 1923 at Glendale, Calif. See Reminicing of Sheridan Gorton Latta at
Two children:
250 ROMAYNE GRAHAM (6) b. October 22, 1897 at Olean, N.Y.
251 S. GRAHAM (6) b. June 8, 1906 at Wilcox, Pa.
Friendship NY James A. Baxter, 1819-1897
James A. Baxter founded a music school in Friendship, NY, in March 1853 --the first institution of musical learning in the United States. It had several names over the course of its history, among them the Friendship University of Music.The school was well regarded and attracted students from a wide area, bringing in the sons and daughters of cultured and affluent families, many of whom married local Friendship young people. One such student was Lura Merriam Brown who married Emmit Girdell Latta, Sheridan’s eldest brother. James Baxter was the third child of John Whitlock Baxter and Mary McQueen and cousin of Orpha Gorton Latta.
”The Friendship Creamery was established in 1889, and for about 2 years was conducted on the co-operative plan, but with indifferent results. In 1891 the plant was purchased by Latta & Hobart, and for the next 5 years was operated by that firm on correct business principles, therefore with a fair measure of success. The equipment was so changed that cheese could be made when the butter market was depressed, and during the year 1895 the firm manufactured about 50,000 pounds each of butter and cheese. Manley W. Hobart became sole proprietor of the business on Jan. 1, 1896. The Morse & Willis Mfg Co. was started in 1893 as a cheese box factory but closed in 1895.”
”The Friendship Academy and Union School The first board of education comprised S. McArthur Norton, Emmett G. Latta, Mrs. Stella E. Rice, B. F. Williamson, Charles H. Hammond, Mrs. A. A. Pearse, Chas. S. Lane, Mrs. Kate M. Wellman and George W. Fries”. ”On Sept. 3, 1888, George W. Fries was elected president of the board of education, and served in that capacity until Sept. 5, 1893, when he was succeeded by Emmett G. Latta.”
”THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.—In 1881The first apparatus comprised a first-class Silsby steamer, and the A. L. Elliott Hose company’s cart and hose. The first officers were A. B. Bradley, chief engineer; H. M. Lang, 1st asst.; and Theron Cross, 2d asst. The subsequent chiefs have been, E. G. Latta, F. A. McKee and T. J. Rose, in the order named.”
”The Citizens’ National Bank of Friendship (No. 2632) was organized Jan. 25, 1882, with a capital of $50,000. The first directors were S. McArthur Norton, W. Ward Rice, Herman Rice, Emmett G. Latta, George L. Skiff, George W. Fries, Robert A. Scott, Isaac Amsden, Sidney P. Morse, Alfred Whipple and Mortimer W. Potter. Judge Norton was the first president, and has continued in office”.
”Van Campen Lodge, No. 258, I. O. O. F., was organized Dec. 2, 1870, with seven charter members, and the following officers: W. M. Steenrod, N. G.; J. Parish, V. G,; Wm. H. King, secretary, and Wm. A. Hart, treasurer. The lodge now numbers about forty members. The officers are W. H. Gillette, N. G.; George Clark, V. G.; A. J. Gilbert, secretary; M. W. Potter, treasurer. Hatch Post, No 241, G. A. R., was organized in pursuance of a charter dated Oct. 28, 1881, with these members: Marshall Allen, Hyrum Corbin, W. H. Hoffman, James Witherell, George Benjamin, J. C, Crandall, Hathan Lamphear, A. J. Wellman, A. B. Bradley, L. B. Crocker, E. G. Latta, John Welch, George Clapp, Theron Cross, S. O. Sawyer, Marshall Wilcox, Alfred Coon, C. C. Deming, Chester Scott, W. S. Wilkinson, D. L. Corbin, James Howard, Russell Scott and Benjamin Wood”
”A society of Spiritualists was formed in Friendship Jan. 1, 1876, and a reorganization was effected in 1879. Mrs. Flora Gorton was regularly ordained a minister of the church. Among the early and prominent Spiritualists in the town may be mentioned Phebe Gorton, Samuel Sherwood, S. E. Latta, Mrs. Thos. Clark, W. I. Hewitt, Darius Thurston and Adrian Latta.”
1893 Friendship paper: March 18 A son is born to Mr and Mrs E G Latta
Lewis Rice editor Friendship Ny 31 Jan 1902:
Morris Unger local clothier is retiring from business and closing his stock.
George R Coons of this place and Miss Bessie Moran of Wellsville were united in marriage 17 Jan.
We are informed that William Stevens of Cuba will soon start a clothing store in part of Latta Bros.Bicycle shop.
Dr C C Deming is the owner of a new Portland cutter.It is the finest in town.
1914 grads of Friendship NY HS Scrapbook: Jo Latta
23 Nov 1916 Friendship NY Scrapbook:
Died at his home on West Main St Tuesday at 530 pm Tuesday afternoon our beloved citizen Mr Joseph Gorton.
Mr and Mrs Leslie LeSuer have returned from their wedding trip and are at home with Mrs LaSuers father Mrs E J Norton ,West Main street.
Mr and Mrs BF Drake have recently returned from visiting their son Carey at Cornell University and Mr and Mrs E G Latta of Syracuse NY.
Mr and Mrs Drake witnessed the Cornell Michigan football 11 November at Ithaca.
With this issue the Friendship Register changes hands.We trust the same courteous treatment and liberal support will be extended to our successor, Charles Raymond Stout, that has been accorded to us.We thank our patrons and friends for their kindly attitude and loyalty future favors for our sucessor. D M and M H Todd
Baptist church fair coming soon.
5 Dec 1918 Friendship scrapbook a list of local men who served: Sergt Joe Latta overseas
The Friendship Chronicle was a weekly Democratic newspaper owned by Raymond C. Hill, which began publication on Feb. 11, 1880 in the town of Friendship, Allegany Co., New York. In August, J. Welland Hendrick purchased half-ownership of the paper and took over editing duties. Raymond Hill retired from the paper in January 1881. Mr. Hendrick continued publishing the paper until August 1881 when the final issue was printed.”
This is an index of notes from the Friendship Chronicle. This paper is microfilmed and available through the Inter-library-loan from the New York State Library.
Latta Bros. Among the Builders vol 1, no 30 1 Sep 1880 new store built by Mr. Weatherell
Latta Bros. Town Topics vol 1, no 22 7 July 1880 brickwork on new store making good progress
Latta Bros. Town Topics vol 1, no 31 8 Sep 1880 new store will be ready for occ. abt. Oct. 1st
Latta Bros. Town Topics vol 1, no 25 23 July 1880 rapid progress on new store building
Latta Bros. Additional Locals vol 1, no 37 20 Oct 1880 new store rapidly approaching completion
Latta Bros. Town Topics vol 1, no 41 17 Nov 1880 moving goods into new stand
Latta, (Bros.) Town Topics vol 2, no 1 9 Feb 1881 furniture establishment. doing heavy business
Latta, (Brothers) Town Topics vol 2, no 2 16 Feb 1881 high water damaged shop
Latta, (Brothers) Town Matters vol 2, no 27 10 Aug 1881 new delivery wagon
Latta, A. C. Town Topics vol 1, no 15 19 May 1880 stock of parlor and bed room suits enlarged
Latta, A. C. Spring Splinters vol 1, no 19 16 June 1880 handsome parlor suite, $4e5 at Furniture Store
Latta, A. C. Mercantile vol 1, no 15 19 May 1880 Furniture, Main St. over Cooley’s Grocery Store
Latta, A. C. Fire Department vol 2, no 10 13 Apr 1881 Steamer company - assistant foreman
Latta, A. C. Town Topics vol 1, no 20 23 June 1880 furniture; selling elegant and well finished marble top black walnut tables for $7.50
Latta, Allda Womens Temperance Convention vol 1, no 23 14 July 1880 W. T. Convention for Friendship, Tues. 20th inst; Entertainment committee
Latta, E. G. Town Topics vol 1, no 15 19 May 1880 will attend Cuba Rifle Club spring mtg. on 20th
Latta, E. G. Fire Department vol 2, no 10 13 Apr 1881 1st assistant
Latta, E. G. Too much Talkie, Talkee! No Shootee! vol 1, no 15 19 May 1880 on forming a Gun Club; letter
Latta, E. G. Friendship Harness Shop vol 1, no 36 13 Oct 1880 adv.
Latta, E. G. Gossip vol 1, no 35 6 Oct 1880 purchased new residence on Maple St. recently built and occupied by D. Thurston
Latta, E. G. Town Topics vol 1, no 29 25 Aug 1880 invented a harness maker’s draw gauge
Latta, E. G. The Friendship Gun Club vol 1, no 11 21 Apr 1880 preliminary glass ball shoot; broke 8 balls
Latta, E. G. (Mr. & Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 47 29 Dec 1880 have been visiting in Pennsylvania; returned to Friendship yesterday
Latta, E. G. (Mr. & Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 22 7 July 1880 visited by Mr. & Mrs. Phineas Ernhout, Emma Brown and Master Frank Brown of Wilcox, Pa.
Latta, E. G. (Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 32 15 Sep 1880 visiting parents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown at Wilcox, Pa. w/ Master Latta
Latta, E. G. (Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 26 4 Aug 1880 dau. of Mrs. J. L. Brown; visit from Latta, E. G. (Mrs.) Town Topics vol 2, no 21 29 June 1881 of this place and Dora Loomis of Syracuse; runaway horse accident
Latta, E. G. (Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 13 5 May 1880 returned Wed. last from visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown of Wilcox, Pa.
Latta, E. G. (Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 9 7 Apr 1880 left to visit parents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown, Wilcox, Pa.
Latta, Emmett Gossip vol 1, no 35 6 Oct 1880 business trip to Buffalo last wk.; thence to Wilcox, Pa. where Mrs. Latta is w/ her parents; returned Tues.
Latta, Emmett Gossip vol 1, no 26 4 Aug 1880 son born
Latta, Emmett (Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 35 6 Oct 1880 in Wilcox, Pa. with parents; returned Tues.
Latta, Frank Olean vol 1, no 20 23 June 1880 of Friendship; now occupies position at telegraph in O. B. & W. main office here
Latta, I. (Mrs.) Social and Personal Notes vol 2, no 10 13 Apr 1881 Baptist society social
Latta, J. R. (Mrs.) Gossip vol 1, no 26 4 Aug 1880 hosting Baptist Soc. social Thurs. next wk.
Latta, S. Blow Brothers, Blow! vol 1, no 15 19 May 1880 Friendship Cornet Band, tuba
Latta, S. E. Manipulated Milk vol 1, no 35 6 Oct 1880 exhibited Davis Swing churn at Cuba Fair; first premium for Cooley’s Creamery and Eureka butter worker
Latta, S. E. Town Topics vol 1, no 18 2 June 1880 census enumerator; commenced labors
Latta, S. E. Allegany Co., Census Enumerators vol 1, no 15 19 May 1880 Friendship enumerator
Latta, S. E. Town Topics vol 2, no 30 31 Aug 1881 member of Freethinkers State Committee for Allegany co.
Latta, S. E. Churches vol 1, no 13 5 May 1880 Spirituralist Society; V. P. (also look in Lily Dale NY)
Latta, S. E. Town Topics vol 1, no 15 19 May 1880 received lot of Mowing and Reaping machines
Latta, S. E. . vol 1, no 35 6 Oct 1880 exhibited celebrated Brockway platform wagons and took all premiums in class at Cuba fair this yr.
Latta, S. E. Town Topics vol 1, no 29 25 Aug 1880 has on hand Platform Wagons and Carriages; will sell low
Latta, S. E. Interesting Figures vol 1, no 22 7 July 1880 census enumerator for Friendship
Emmit G.Latta in the Papers of Abraham Lincoln.
On December 5, 1864, fifteen-year-old Emmit G.Latta of New York went to New York City and enlisted as a private in the Union Army. In 1861, Army regulations required all recruits be "above the age of eighteen and under thirty-five years"
While in camp with his company at Fort Morton,Virginia, Emmit Latta was thrown from a horse and injured his arm on January 5, 1865. A few days later, Emmit's father, Samuel E. Latta, wrote to President Abraham Lincoln, seeking to have his son discharged from service.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Affidavit of Samuel E. Latta, 10 January 1865
Application for the release of a Boy 15 years old from service.
This is to certify that my son Emmit G Latta was born on the 28th day of May 1849 in the Town of Wirt, Allegany Co New York and that I the undersigned am his Father and that I sent him on other business from home and that without my knowledge or consent he was induced to enlist into co F 1st U.S. Light artillery and is now at Fort Morgan, on Arlington heights and that I wish to have him discharged.
Yours &c
Samuel E Latta
Friendship Allegany Co N. Y
To the hon. Abraham Lincoln
President US Washington D. C
P S. will get this endorsed by two Congressmen if required
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day
of Jan 1865
Saml Drury
J[ustice] p[eace]
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
A few days later, President Lincoln ordered the Secretary of War to discharge Latta upon refund of "any bounty received."
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Latta's pension records indicate that he received a discharge at Fort Morton, Virginia. On April 7, 1865, Latta again enlisted as a private in the Union Army, this time in Company I, 19th New York Cavalry Regiment. Fifteen-year-old Latta entered his age as seventeen on his enlistment form, and his father signed the consent, although he entered Emmit's age as sixteen. After the war ended, the Army honorably discharged Latta on July 19, 1865. A year later, Latta re-enlisted as a private in Company A, 4th U.S. Infantry. According to family history, he spent this time as an engineer, helping to locate railroad beds in the Rocky Mountains and exploring the Yellowstone region. He was discharged from service at Fort Fetterman, Wyoming, in 1869. Latta returned to Friendship, New York, and later made a name for himself as an entrepreneur and inventor, eventually patenting scores of improvements for bicycles and typewriters.
The information shown on these "Latta Pages" are submitted by George Latta - Branch 13 of the Latta Family.
Official Website of the LATTA Family:
"The Latta Genealogy Society is now a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Washington.
The Latta Genealogy Newsletter is a hard copy publication offered by the Society which issues three times per year.
Our goals are to promote the study of, and eventually to unite, the 53 Branches of the Latta family, and to search for our family's origins in the Old World.
Our organization is also collecting "Latta" items, such as pictures, diaries, and other items relating to the Latta family name in one public location which will help ensure that the research will be available to future generations. See more about this project by clicking on the "Latta Genealogy Archives" at our web site. (Above Link)
Our Newsletter is funded by voluntary contributions from its readers. If you would like to subscribe to the Newsletter, please select "Subscription Information" at our web site and you will receive a free copy of the newsletter to review. If you are interested in subscribing to the newsletter after receiving your free copy, you may do so. All articles and inquiries are published first in the newsletter and later selected articles and inquiries are published on our website."
Branch 4: Latta Brothers Collection, ca. 1880-ca. 1925
INVENTOR NAME: Latta Brothers
Friendship Free Library
PO Box 37
40 West Main Street
Friendship, NY 14739
The Latta brothers—Emmitt G. Latta and Adrian C. Latta of Friendship, NY, manufactured bicyles. The collection contains catalogs, copies of patents, clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and genealogical data on Latta and family.
Most of Emmit G. Latta’s patents did not show up under a group search at the patent office site. When you search for patent numbers alone use this link:
Patents By Emmit G. Latta & some with his Brother Adrian C Latta.
Patent Numbers:
113469, 120551, 122078, 130604, 132335, 142967, 144371, 167917, 170176, 172636, 181530, 183688, 183689, 196530, 232278, 237191, 237554, 240735, 245517, 258444, 268248, 283260, 869498, 269071, 283259, 294243, 305938, 330336, 339436, 360101, 372377, 379017, 417241, 505710, 507278, 866542
Emmit G. Latta (Branch 4) sold some of his patents listed below to “THE POPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY”
Pope Manufacturing Company was a manufacturing company started by Albert Augustus Pope in Hartford, CT. The company began with the introduction of the “Columbia” high-wheeler in 1878. Pope bought Pierre Lallement’s original patent for the bicycle, and aggressively bought all other bicycle patents he could find, amassing a fortune by restricting the types of bicycles other American manufacturers could make and charging them royalties. He used the latest technologies in his bicycles—inventions such as ball bearings in all moving parts, and hollow steel tubes for the frame, and he spent a great deal of money promoting bicycle clubs, journals, and races. Until 1896, Pope was the leading US producer of bicycles.
E.G. Latta (Branch 4) Patents for Bicycle / Velocipede / High-Wheeler Models & Parts.
Patent Numbers:
280633, 294640, 294641, 301245, 312277, 315304, 321508, 322733, 323695, 324264, 327399, 328235, 328693, 332092, 332262, 339436, 347357, 346292, 354840, 360101, 376662, 377204, 382885, 387979, 391253, 392349, 396164, 440897, 443663, 444637, 447434, 448442, 452577, 455882, 457494, 461191, 464653, 479946, 555648, 592871, 639410, 649580, 651668, 671053, 679082, 748291, 736527, 736527, 748291,
Emmit G. Latta sold some of his patents listed below to “ The CORONA TYPEWRITER COMPANY”
The company originated in 1886 when the Smith Premier Typewriter Company created the first machine to use both uppercase and lowercase letters. In 1903 it was reorganized as the L.C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company in Syracuse, New York. Separately, in 1906 the Rose Typewriter company marketed the first successful portable typewriter, and in 1909 renamed itself the Standard Typewriter Company. With the success of their Corona model in 1914 Standard Typewriter was renamed again and became the Corona Typewriter Company . Smith Corona was created when L.C. Smith & Bros. united with Corona Typewriter in 1926, with L.C. Smith & Bros. making office typewriters and Corona Typewriter making portables. Electric typewriters debuted in 1955 and electric portables came along in 1957.
Typewriter & Parts Patents By Emmit G. Latta
Patent Numbers: 605201, 843831, 814144, 1261823, 1173589, 1274565, 819773, 1038907, 819353, 1253258, 1221875, 847343, 1222423, 1222550, 847415, 1115077, 771781, 821107, 847990, 1274567, 779087, 758982, 1209456, 1160912, 771783, 944735, 771782, 1295772, 1025752, 1274566, 1278947, 1273882, 807292, 933186, 933652, 843830, 944794, 758455, 926126, 1331441, 1382789, 1491709, 1535322, 1331442, RE14491, 1382790, 1168654, RE14495, 1038906, 1468880, 1410764, 977201, 822210, 933181, 926572, 997137, 832802, 934677, 1382791, 1264945
Legend: Bicycle Brand, Manufacturer, Distributor
Alert(D) Latta Brothers, Friendship NY, 1885
American Express-(D) Latta Brothers, Friendship NY, 1885-1892
American Pilot-(D) Latta Brothers, Friendship NY, 1885-1892
Express-(M) Latta Brothers, Friendship NY, 1892-1900
Pilot Safety-(D) Latta Brothers, Friendship NY, 1885
Pilot-(D) Latta Brothers, Friendship NY, 1885-1892
Reliant-(M) Latta Brothers, Friendship NY, 1898
The information published here was obtained and submitted by George Latta, Branch 13 of the Latta Family.