
James L. Mesler - (1826 - 1901), Family Genealogy Report & Civil War Pension Info

Below is a Genealogy Report of James L. Mesler listing parents and children:

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Below is a copy of some pages from the original Civil War Pension Application of James Mesler of Alma, NY  Note: This is not complete file, but, has some rather interesting individuals named as signors from the community. 

From record of Pension files, another proof of death of James & Maria(h):   (Affidavits for James Mesler were issued by Elias Wyckoff, William George, Ed. D. Dickerson, and George S. Wilcox, residents of the Alma region.)


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Maria Wheeler Mesler Widow Application

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Information for this report are from records of Ronald G. Taylor.  Much of the information in the records was prepared & researched by William Richmond and by references to "The Metsellaer, Messler, Mesler Family Geneology" compiled by John E. Fiero - Ludlow, PA.