Death of A J Hughes,
Arthur Joab Hughes died suddenly at His home,No 152 Fargo Avenue in Buffalo yesterday morning of Apoplexy. Mr Hughes had not long been a resident of Buffalo, but in brief time alloted Him, He became a shinning light in the real estate adversiting circle. He leaves a Widow. On Tuesday the Remains will be taken to Friendship and buried with Masonic Rites. Mr Hughes was in His 48th year. He was born in Belfast, Allegany County and His early life was spent there. For 10 years previous to His comming to Buffalo,He was editor and proprietor of The Port Allegany (PA) Reporter. He also was founder of The Elder Eagle and The Austin Autograph. He was the local manager of The Buffalo Fair two years ago and a member of The Real Estate Exchange. He was also a member of Liberty Lodge No 505 F and A M and Arnold Chapter No 254 of Port Allegany,Pa.- Buffalo Express.
The Warren Ledger, Warren County,Pa, Friday,March 30th,1894
Submitted by K Stratford
Below submitted 8/2/2012 by K. Stratford, Unknown Source:
ARTHUR J. HUGHES, Port Allegany, son of Joab B. and Lucy (King) Hughes, was born in Belfast, Allegany Co., N.Y., August 27, 1845. The father died in 1855, leaving two children: A.J. and Florence, the latter of whom died October 7, 1889. A.J. Hughes was educated at Friendship Academy and Genesee Valley Seminary at Belfast, and being obliged to rely largely on his own resources he taught school, clerked in a store, and was otherwise employed to obtain the money to defray his expenses. He began newspaper work with George W. Dickinson, on the Allegany County Reporter, then published at Belmont, N.Y., as collector and traveling correspondent, continuing with him five years, first working on the Reporter and later on the Olean 'Times. May 27, 1874, he established the Port Allegany Reporter, and has been its editor and proprietor ever since. In 1887 Mr. Hughes also established the Autograph at Austin, Potter Co., Penn., but after publishing the paper a year he sold it. In 1878 Mr. Hughes represented McKean, Tioga and Potter counties on the Democratic State Committee. In 1879 he was the choice of Potter county to represent the district. For the past five years he has represented McKean county on the same committee. During the presidential campaign in 1880 he was one of the secretaries of the Democratic State committee. He received the nomination of his party for State senator in 1880, and, although defeated, ran ahead of his ticket, the vote in his district for Hancock being 7,118, his being only 7,840. He has been a delegate to State, congressional, senatorial and county conventions many times, but has only once, in 1880, been a candidate for a salaried office. In 1884, in company with E.P. Dalrymple and C.R. Bard, he built the largest opera house in the county, which was burned in December, 1887. He was one of the organizers of the First National Bank in 1888, and is one of its directors. Mr. Hughes was married in August, 1875, to Alice, daughter of Johnson Higgins, of Friendship, N.Y., and they have two children: Mary, wife of Frank R. Utter, of Friendship, N.Y., and Julia, wife of William C. Carter, of Renovo, Penn. Mr. Hughes is a member of Liberty Lodge, No. 505, F. & A.M.
Additionally, following submitted 10/25/2012 by K. Stratford regarding father of Arthur Joab Hughes:
This is from the Angelica Reporter November 20,1855 right after Joab B Hughes's death. At a special meeting of Western Union Lodge No. 146,held at Masonic Hall Belfast,November 17dy AD 1855,C M Crandell,John West,and Jonathan Wafford,a committee appointed on the proceeding evening to draft resolutions expressive of the feelings of this Lodge,in case of the death of our Worthy Brother Joab B Hughes,presented the following, which was unamonosly adopted.
Where as it has presented the Supreme Ruler of Our Universe to call from labor our Worthy Brother,Joab B Hughes of this lodge,it is right and proper that we,His Betherin should render to His memory this tribute of Our esteem,be it therefore. Resolved,That He cherished that recognition of Our deceased Brother,we sincerely deplor His loss in the Fraternity,to His Country and to His Family,that Our Brother,while associated with Us has exemplified the Principle of Our Fraternity,by His upright,kind and courteous conduct and by the discharge of every duty
Resolved,that We sympathize with the Relatives of the deceased Brother and trust that the strength which com meth from above will be vouched to Them,while we assure Them in our fraternity the Widow and the Orphans ever find help in time of need.
Resolved,as an expression of the regard which this Lodge feels for Our deceased Brother,that we wear the usual Badge of Mourning,and cause the Lodge to be clothed in mourning for thirty days.
Resolved-----That a copy of these resolutions,be presented to the Widow,by Master and that secerety cause the same to be published in the Republican Era,Angelican Reporter,American Banner and American Freemason-----DA Knapp PM-----HA Hutchens Secy.