From the Belmont Dispatch, July 1, 1910.
Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer.
Prominent County Seat Citizen Passed Away in Rochester Hospital Sunday – Friends from Abroad Attend Funeral
Melvin E. Horner died at the City Hospital in Rochester about 11:30 Sunday night, June 26th. His active life of 58 years was all spent in Belmont and vicinity and the warm hearted and generous friendliness, which he possessed to an unusual degree, won for him a high place in the esteem of his fellow citizens. To him were awarded the most responsible offices in the gift of the people of the town of Amity, supervisor and village president. He also held the office of highway commissioner-for two terms and at the time of his demise was on his third four year term as post master.
The remains were brought to Belmont Monday night.
Funeral services were conducted at the home in Belmont where he lived with the family of his son. George Melvin Horner at 2:00 o’clock Wednesday afternoon and he was buried in Forest Hills cemetery beside his wife and son. Mrs. Horner died on June 22nd 1909 a few days over a year before his death. Mr. Horner’s death was due to a cancer of the stomach from which he has suffered severely for several months. An operation was performed at the Rochester hospital a few weeks ago, but afforded only a temporary respite.
Melvin E. Horner was the son of George W. Horner and Harriet Noble Horner. He was born on his father’s farm near Belmont. His earlier years were spent at farming, but a few years after his marriage, he moved to Belmont village and acquired several lumbering and oil interests. He was elected highway commissioner in 1888 and reelected in 1890. In 1894 he was chosen supervisor of the town and also served a term as president of the village. His latter years were devoted almost entirely to the lumbering business. He was a member of the Elks, a Knight Templar Mason, and Shriner.
He leaves four sons, George, James, Francis, and Walker, also one brother George W. Horner of Belmont and two sisters Mrs. E. P. Hubbell of Rochester and Miss Cornelia Horner of Belmont.
Friends from all parts of the country came Wednesday to attend the funeral services. Rev. A. A. Craw had charge, and a male quartet sang two selections at the house. The bearers were Hon. Elbi Reynolds, Sheriff D. M. Hancock, County Clerk Clarence Ricker, W. G. Noble, James Hodnett and Eldyn Reynolds.