Transcribed from the Andover News, February 14, 1913.
Mrs. Henry Horan
Mrs. Henry Horan departed this life at the family home, early Saturday morning, February 8th, after an illness of more than a year’s duration with stomach trouble.
Ellen Horan was born Mar. 29, 1853 in the farm now occupied by Frank Dean. At the age of 19 years she was united in marriage to Henry Horan, and began her married life at the home of her husband, now the home of her son Ed. Horan, where she proved a kind and considerate daughter, to the three elderly people then comprising the household. Later Mr. and Mrs. Horan removed to a home of their own, on what is now the McLaughlin homestead.
After some years Mr. Moran acquired his present farm, where she labored with him most zealously to erect the fine substantial home from which she was sadly borne Tuesday morning.
When death entered the happy family circle and removed the beloved wife and mother it left a void, that is also felt by our community, for she has lived her life in our midst, and was loved and respected by all. Many among us have felt her kind ministering hands in sickness, or listened to her words of comfort when trouble came, until her own failing health confined her almost entirely to her home.
Everything possible was done to combat her disease, but without avail and after many months of patient suffering she resigned herself to the will of her divine Master. The end came most peacefully and another good wife and mother has gone to her eternal reward.
Surviving are her husband and eight children, E. S. Horan of South Hill, Mrs. John Wall of Elm Valley, Mrs. J. P, Smith of Andover, Mrs. Lou Snyder of East Valley and Frank, Leo, Dean and Miss Nellie Horan residing at Home, also three grandchildren. She was the youngest living member of her family of which two brothers and two sisters still survive, Michael Dean, Mrs. Rourke and Mrs. Shields of Andover and E. B. Dean of Washington, D.C.
Funeral services which were very largely attended were held in the Blessed Sacrament Church of Andover Tuesday with solemn mass of requiem, Rev. J. J. Sheehy being celebrant; Rev. R. O’Brien of Wellsville; deacon and Rev. Father White of Cuba subdeacon. Her pastor preached an eloquent sermon, and the choir was augmented by several members of the church’s former choir. Burial was in St. John's Cemetery where by her request her remains were tenderly born to their last resting place by her four sons.
Among those from out of town in attendance were Anthony Dean his son Martin and daughter Mary, and Miss Margaret Dean of Hornell, William Dean Jr., of Bath, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Keough, Mrs. J.D. Magner, Mrs. John Keough, Mrs. Ray Healy, Messrs. Wm. McAndrew, Ed McLoughlin, Ted Forhan, M.H. Dean, Henry Coleman, James Coyle and M’sses. Mayme, Agnes and Monica Forhan, Elizabeth Yates and Mayme Higgins of Wellsville; and Miss Anna O'Leary of Dunkirk; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Connolly, Mr. Fred Gonter, Mrs. Michael O'Connor, Mrs. W. H. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Baker of Wellsville; Mrs. J. S. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Broderick of Hornell; Mrs. C. O’Hargan and son Thomas of Greenwood; and Mrs. Mame Dean of Buffalo who tenderly cared for Mrs. Horan during her illness.
The News extends sincere sympathy to Mr. Horan and family in their sorrow.