From the Andover News, September 24, 1915.
Transcribed by Stephen Sweet.
Charles Emmet Tracy
After an illness of over a year, the last five months confined to bed, Charles E. Tracy died at his home on Pleasant avenue, in this village, Sunday, September 19th, aged 65 years, of Bright's disease.
Mr. Tracy was a man widely known throughout the oil fields of several states. He came to America in 1874 a young man, and has been a hard working man.
Much of the success of the Andover oil field is due to the persistence of Charles Tracy. He has formed oil and gas companies in every direction from Andover and tested the territory. So many "dusters" were drilled by him that at one time he was jokingly called "Dry Hole Charlie."
He has worked in every section of the Allegany oil fields, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Canada.
Charles Emmet Tracy was the son of Johan and Christina Threyselius, and was born at Thorstorf, Sweden, in 1850. (When he came to America he had his name change to Tracy.)
He was married in 1882 to Carrie Adele Palmiter, it to Richburg, New York, who died in 1898. After the death of his wife Mr. Tracy move to Andover, and was united in marriage in 1905 to M. Donia Strickland, to keep who survives.
He leaves beside the wife, one son, Carl Tracy of Rexville, a step-daughter, Miss Hazel Strickland, three brothers, John Threyselius, of Batavia, Illinois, and two now living in Sweden, and four sisters, three living at Batavia, Ill., and one in Sweden.
Mr. Tracy was a man of many good qualities. It was the writer's good fortune to know him long and well, and we only knew hint to esteem him, more highly as the years rolled by.
He was a member of the Andover M.E. church.
The funeral services were held at the home on Pleasant avenue, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Herbert W. Walton officiating.
The burial was made Wednesday in the Alfred Rural cemetery.
Those from out of town attending the funeral were John Threyselius, and Mrs. E. B. Marckuson, of Batavia, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Fred Palmiter and family and George Palmiter of Alfred.