
Thomas Walsh Sr. Death.  Unknown Newspaper, and Date

Transcribed by Yvonne E. Smith


Thomas Walsh, Sr.

Died Thursday Afternoon and Will Be Buried Monday Morning.

                Thomas Walsh, Sr., died at the family home on Rauber street at 2:45 clock Thursday afternoon.  March 18, 1909 Mr. Walsh was born in Canada, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh.  The mother is at present residing at Dunkirk, N. Y.  The father is dead, Mr. Walsh was a resident of Dunkirk for twenty years removing from there to Bolivar, and then to this vicinity where he has resided for the past twenty-four years.  He was a prominent oil producer, Mr. Walsh was first married to Ellen Curtin, who died on June 7th 1899.  His second wife was Elizabeth Rauber, to whom he was married on Feb. 15, 1905.

                Deceased is survived by five children: Rev. Thomas J. Walsh D. D. D. C. L., of the Buffalo diocese (SIC): Hugh F. Walsh of Linncamp, W. Va: William F. Walsh, of Port Jervis, N. Y.: and Cornellus J. Walsh, and Mary W. Walsh, of Wellsville.  He is also survived by a half-brother, George Lynch, and a half-sister, Mary Lynch, both of Dunkirk.  Mr. Walsh was a consistent and zealous member of Immaculate Conception Church.  He was also a member of Wellsville Council, No. 919, Knights of Columbus, and Branch 40. C. M. B. A.

                The funeral will be held from immaculate Conception Church on Monday morning at 10 o’clock.  Solemon High Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, assisted by Rev. R. O’Brien and other priests.  Interment will be in Sacred Heart cemetery, in charge of Undertaker Embser of the N. Rauber firm.

Wellsville Daily Reporter - Page 8, March 22, 1909

Transcribed by Yvonne E. Smith


Died Thursday Afternoon and Will Be Buried Monday Morning.

  Thomas Walsh, Sr., died at the family home on Rauberstreet at 2:45 o’clock Thursday afternoon, March 18, 1909.  Mr. Walsh was born in Canada, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh.  The mother is at present residing at Dunkirk, N. Y.  The father is dead.  Mr. Walsh was a resident of Dunkirk for twenty years removing from there to Bolivar, and then to this vicinity, where he has resided for the past twenty-four years.  He was a prominent oil producer.  Mr. Walsh was first married to Ellen Curtin, who died on June 7th, 1899.  His second wife was Elizabeth Rauber, to whom he was married on Feb. 15, 1905.

  Deceased is survived by five children; Rev. Thomas J. Walsh D.D., D.C.L. of the Buffalo diocese; Hugh F. Walsh of Linncamp, W. Va.; William F. Walsh of Port Jervis, N.Y.; and Cornellus J. Walsh, and Mary (M.?) Walsh, of Wellsville.  He is also survived by a half-brother, George Lynch, and a half-sister, Mary Lynch, both of Dunkirk.  Mr. Walsh was a consistent and zealous member of Immaculate Conception Church.  He was also a member of Wellsville Council, No. 919, Knights of Columbus, and Branch 40, C.M.B.A.

  The funeral will be held from Immaculate Conception Church on Monday morning at 10 o’clock.  Solemn High Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. Thomas J. Walsh, assisted by Rev. R. O’Brien and other priests.  Interment will be in Sacred Heart cemetery, in charge of Undertaker Embser of the N. Rauber firm.

 Transcribed by Yvonne E. Smith

Funeral of Thos. Walsh, Sr.



   Funeral services of the late Thomas Walsh, Sr., were largely attended at Immaculate Conception church this morning at 10 o’clock.  Solemn Requiem High Mass was sung by the son, Dr. Thomas Walsh; Deacon Rev. R. O’Brien; Sub-Deacon Rev. John F. McGinn; Master of Ceremonies, Rev. Chas. Duffy, D.D., with the Right Reverand Charles H. Colton, D.D. Bishop of Buffalo, within the Sanctuary, together with the following priests:

  Rev. Jos. F. Butler, President of St. Benaventure’s College at Allegany, Rev. J.J. Dealy, of Belfast; Rev. J.J. Sheehy, of Andover; Rev, T.J. Hartigan, of Cuba; Rev. L.S. Sharkey of St. Lucy’s Church, Buffalo; Rev. John J. McMahon, St. Mark’s Church, Buffalo; Rev. J. McDonough, St. Columba’s Church, at Buffalo; Rev. Charles Duffy, D.D., Immaculate Conception Church, Buffalo; T.H. Harrigan and Rev. [L.] Martinelli, of St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Buffalo and Rev. A. Hickey, O.F.M. of St. Benaventure, Allegany.

  Following the Mass The Right Reverand Bishop blessed the corpse and also gave the Last Absolution in the church.

  Rev. R. O’Brien preached a very appropriate sermon, touching on the Christian life of the deceased and his many charitable acts.

  The solemn funeral cortege from the church to the Sacred Heart cemetery was escorted by members of Wellsville Council Knights of Columbus.

  At the cemetery the Right Reverand Bishop and all the clergy were present, where the Bishop recited the last prayer at the grave.

  The floral offerings were many and beautiful.

  The casket bearers were:  P.D. Corrigan Patrick Hanrahan, T.J. Egan, John E. Brown, John F. Dolan, Fred R. Knowlton.