

Rufus Alonzo Civil War Ltr. Dec. 29, 1863


Dear Brother & Sister Elmira

     I will write you a few lines tonight to let you know where I am.  Circumstances alter cases and so it is with me for I signed my name to some papers in Scio and here I am in the Barracks in Elmira in a full suit of Uncle Sam’s harness.  I am a soldier in the army and was mustered into the service yesterday and got twenty five dollars in green backs.  I like soldiering first rate only I am so far from home & friends but I have made my bed & I must lie in it. We have lots of fun and plenty to eat and drink all except whiskey and that I don’t want.  We have over 3000 men in this camp and not over 25 or 30 belongs to the same regiment.  There is not over a dozen that belongs to the regiment that I do and that is the 5th NY Heavy Art and they are stationed in Baltimore and Fortress Monroe.

    You must excuse me for not writing much this time for I have several letters to write tonight, and have not got much time to do it in  it is getting dark and I shall have to close so good night

Darling Brother & Sister.

     May  God bless & keep you in his holy care.  Kiss the Children for me and tell them Uncle Loney is a brave soldier in the army.

      Your loving Brother 

Alonzo Cady

Direct to


    Chemung Co. 

Barracks No. 3, NY


But don’t put any R or Rufus to my name