Transcribed 2016 by Ronald G. Taylor
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NOTE: It is a common occurrence for a name to be associated with a military listing which could only be a name and unit in which the person served. Information in the history varies in material from a single name to a short Biography.
French’s Index
Kane, Patrick, 356 | Labar, Richard 134 |
Kaple, Abigail, Mrs. , 167 | La Barre, 47 |
Kaple, Caroline, 167 | Labor, Catherine E., 165 |
Kaple, E. T., 341 | Lacell, Mary, 93 |
Kaple, Jason B., 128 | Lackey, Betsey, Mrs., 165 |
Kaple, Luther S., 167 | Lackey, L. I., Rev., 227 |
Kaple, Orlando E. P., 142, 149 | Lackey, O., 293 |
Kaple, Rhoda, Mrs., 149 | Lackey, Orson, 117 |
Kaple, Rev., 341 | Lackey,Palermo, 290 |
Karns, 177 | Lacy, L. E., 259 |
Karns, Major, 160 | Lacy, Lewis, 255 |
Karns, Aaron, 130 | Ladd, 312 |
Karns, Daniel, 225 | Lafayette, General, 32, 256 |
Karns, Palmer R., 130 | Lafeva, John H., 119 |
Karr, Major, 160 | Laforge, Abiel, T., 117 |
Karr, Mrs. , 373 | La Grande, Gueule, 11 |
Karr, Alice, Mrs., 167 | La Hontan, Baron, 11 |
Karr, Altie, 167 | Lailous, John, 178 |
Karr, Altie, Mrs., 167 | Lake, Frank D., 90, 91 |
Karr, Amy, 164 | Lake, Philip, Capt., 107 |
Karr, Anna, 167 | Lamb, Capt., 107 |
Karr,Elizabeth, 167 | Lamb, George W., 107 |
Karr, George, Dea., 160 | Lamb, John, 24 |
Karr, Hiram, 82, 160, 371, 373 | Lamb, Joshua, 354 |
Karr, Isaiah, 82, 159, 160, 161, 167 | Lamb, Lewis M., 100 |
Karr, James, 160 | Lamb, Samuel, 88 |
Karr, James M., 167 | Lamberson, Huldah, 331 |
Karr, Joel, 82, 94, 159, 160, 167 | Lamberson, Jeremiah, 240 |
Karr, 142, 355 | Lamberson, Jeremiah, Mrs., 240 |
Karr, Joseph, 142, 159, 160, 161 | Lamberson, William, 241 |
Karr, Julia, Mrs., 167 | Lamberson, William, Mrs., 241 |
Karr, L., Mrs., 373 | Lambert, 353 |
Karr, Lois, 166 | Lambert, Wesley M., 117 |
Karr, Margaret, 164 | Lamberville, Father, 47 |
Karr, Maria, Mrs., 167 | Lamont, J. D., 93 |
Karr, Martin, 130 | Lamphear, George, 77 |
Karr, Nancy, 371 | Lamphear, J., 77 |
Karr, Sally, 164 | Lamphear, Nathan, 117, 140 |
Karr, Samuel, 142, 159, 164, 373 | Lamphearse, Ocellas, 278 |
Karr, Samuel S., 107, 167, 167A | Lamphere, Henry, 159 |
Karr, Samuel D., 167 | Lamphere, Rhoda, 149 |
Karr, Samuel P., 160 | Lamphere, Sylvena, 149 |
Karr, Walter, 142, 160 | Lampman, Abraham, 297 |
Karze, Charles, 178 | Lanahan, John, 353 |
Kauffman, Frederick, 355 | Landas, Betsey, 332 |
Kay, R. F., Rev., 298 | Landers, Relief, 385 |
Keach, Annie M., 392 | Lane, 75 |
Keach, Maria, Mrs., 392 | Lane, Rev., 241 |
Keach, Mortimer, 392 | Lane, C. S., 288 |
Kearns, Daniel, 262 | Lane, Charles S., 276 |
Kearns, Patrick, 104 | Lane, David, 107, 281, 288 |
Keating, Bernard, 262 | Lane, H. M., 352, 355 |
Keckhow, John, 222 | Lane, John W., Rev., 240 |
Keenan, Francis, Rev., 180 | Lane, Lester, 101 |
Keenan, Terence, Reb., 359 | Lane, Mary E., 302 |
Keith, Josiah, 117 | Lane, Samuel, 231 |
Keller, A. T., 259 | Lane, W., 312B |
Keller, Almira, 261 | Lang, Alexander, 117 |
Keller, Clavin R., 244 | Langdon, A., 200 |
Keller, D., 117 | Langdon, Albert, 77 |
Keller, Edson H., 100 | Langdon, J., 174, 177 |
Keller, Enos, 260 | Langworthy, Capt., 114 |
Keller, George, 259 | Langworthy, Mrs., 32, 353 |
Keller, Henry, 149 | Langworthy, Aaron, 391, 293 |
Keller, Milton E., 122 | Langworthy, Albert, 291, 293 |
Keller,Nancy, Mrs., 149 | Langworthy, Annis L., 192 |
Keller, Tilman, 243 | Langworthy, Asa A., 292 |
Kellogg,Augusta, 259 | Langworthy, Benjamin F., 117, 145, 149 |
Kellogg, C. T., 258 | Langworthy, C. D., 149A |
Kellogg, Carrie, 259 | Langworthy, Charles D., 141, 146, 147, 149 |
Kellogg, Daniel, 210 | Langworthy, D. A., 115 |
Kellogg, E. C., 222 | Langworthy, D. B., 134 |
Kellogg, Ebenezer, 218, 220, 221 | Langworthy, Daniel, 192 |
Kellogg, John, 132 | Langworthy, Daniel A., 117 |
Kellogg, William, 220, 303 | Langworthy,Frances, 192 |
Kelly, A. B., Rev. , 221 | Langworthy, George, 149 |
Kelly, Alexander, 226 | Langworthy, Isaac, 130, 150 |
Kelly, Edward, 100 | Langworthy, John, 144 |
Kelly, George H., 119 | Langworthy, John, Jr., 142 |
Kelly, Henry, 127 | Langworthy, John, A., 292 |
Kelly, Patrick, 93 | Langworthy, Lucy, 150 |
Kelly, Thomas, 351 | Langworthy, R. A., 96 |
Kelly, Willard, 129 | Langworthy, Ruth, Mrs., 150 |
Kelsey,Alvin,316, 355 | Langworthy, Susan, Mrs., 139 |
Kelsey,Elizabeth, Mrs., 182 | Langworthy, W.I., 145 |
Kelsey, J. S., Rev. , 182 | Langworthy, William P., 292 |
Kelsey, Joel S., Rev. , 179 | Laning, A. P. 93, 363 |
Kemp, Daniel H., 118 | Lannagan, J. A., Rev., 180 |
Kemp, Elizabeth P., 192 | Lanning, A. P., 201 |
Kemp, John, 311 | Lanning, B. C., 281 |
Kemp, John H., 149 | Lanning, H., 331 |
Kemp, Laura, Mrs., 149 | Lanning, John A., 255 |
Kemp, Mary, 311 | Lanning, Ralph B., 234 |
Kemp, Moses, 149, 186 | Lanphear, D. B., 341 |
Kemp, S., 187 | Lanphear, D. S., 173, 339 |
Kenan, Father, 191 | Lanphear, Daniel B., 339 |
Kendall, 348 | Lanphear, David, 341 |
Kendall, Rev., 310 | Lanphear, Ellen G., 192 |
Kendall, Amanda, Mrs., 387 | Lanphear, Esther, 192 |
Kendall, Asa, 388 | Lanphear, Evangeline, 181 |
Kendall, Anna, 388 | Lanphear, George, 145 |
Kendall, Antoinette, 388 | Lanphear, George, Mrs., 145 |
Kendall, C. B., 205A | Lanphear, John, 147 |
Kendall, C. F., 351, 359 | Lanphear, Jonathan, 142, 143, 187, 192 |
Kendall, C. T., Mrs., 312B | Lanphear, Joseph, 168 |
Kendall, Charles, 388 | Lanphear, Mary J., 192 |
Kendall, Charles B., 328, 332, 387, 388 | Lanphear, N. Mortimer, 192 |
Kendall, Charles H., 388 | Lanphear, Nathan, 140, 147, 192 |
Kendall, Eliza, Mrs., 241 | Lanphear, Samuel, 141 |
Kendall, Emerson, 328, 332, 387, 388 | Lanphear, Susan, 192 |
Kendall, Ezra W., 108 | Lanphear, Walter, 188 |
Kendall, Ferris E., 129 | Lappeus, D., Rev., 213 |
Kendall, H., 331A | Lappeus, D. P., Rev., 95, 96 |
Kendall, Hartwell, 88 | Larabee, Cyrenus, 118 |
Kendall, Henry R., 257 | Laribee, W. C., Dr., 364 |
Kendall, James, 328, 387 | Larkin, Ethan P., Rev., 145 |
Kendall, Linus, 388 | Larkin, Susan E., 145 |
Kendall, Lucia, Mrs., 388 | Larrabee, Adrian B., 173 |
Kendall, R. C., 82 | Larned, L. S., 104 |
Kendall, Robert R., Reb., 203 | La Salle, 104 |
Kendall, Susan 388 | Latham, J. O., 160, 339 |
Kendall, W. C., 348, 351, 359 | Latham, Leonard, 135 |
Kendall, Willis J., 101 | Latham, Smith, 198 |
Kendall, Zebulon A., 201 | Latham, Isaiah, 329, 332 |
Kendrick, Jane A., 206 | Latham, Simon, 328, 332 |
Kendrick, William P., Rev. 303 | Latta, E. G., 288 |
Kenly, Col., 105 | Latta, Polly F., Mrs., 284 |
Kennedy, Guerdon, 260 | Latimore, Daniel T., 225 |
Kennedy, Lucy, 260 | Lattimore, Catherine, 228 |
Kennedy, S., Mrs., 166 | Laure,I.D., Rev., 262 |
Kennedy, Thomas, 262 | Laurie, 185 |
Kenney, 351 | Lawrence, Andrew J., 117 |
Kenney, David, 328 | Lawrence, Daniel, 198, 202, 280 |
Kenney, Matilda, 373 | Lawrence, Della, 235 |
Kenney, Peter, 373 | Lawrence, R., 303 |
Kenney, Peter, Mrs., 373 | Lawrence, Richard M., 80 |
Kennot, J. W., Rev. , 164 | Lawrence, Stewart, 117 |
Kenny, C., Miss, 184 | Lawton, Anson T., 127 |
Kenny, Peter, 262 | Lawton, F. L., 258 |
Kenshela, Philip, 191 | Lawton, John W., Rev., 227, 285 |
Kent, Anna M., 322 | Lay, 307 |
Kent, Clarinda, 156 | Layman, William, 352 |
Kent, J. Sydney, Rev., 263 | Le Moine, Monsieur, 11 |
Kent, Prudence, 322 | Le Roy, Francis, 379 |
Kent, Reuben, 322, 345 | Leach, George S., 118 |
Kent, Reuben, Rev., 156 | Leach,Frederick, 173, 180 |
Kenyon, 277, 353 | Leach, Harvey W., 376 |
Kenyon, Pres., 143 | Leach, John, 239 |
Kenyon, Rev., 377 | Leach, Samuel, 239 |
Kenyon, Alanson, 380 | Leak, Rev., 221 |
Kenyon,Alpheus B., 145 | Leake, Albert R., 129 |
Kenyon, B. M., 219 | Leake, W. H., 129 |
Kenyon, Benjamin M., 22 | Leane, Jerry, 262 |
Kenyon, Eliza, Mrs., 222 | Learn, Joseph L., 121 |
Kenyon, George W., 218, 220 | Learn, Reuben, 129 |
Kenyon, Ida S., Mrs., 144, 145 | Learned, Dr., 253 |
Kenyon, J., Rev., 96 | Learned, William C., Rev., 261, 359 |
Kenyon, Jared, 324 | Leavell, Patrick, 191 |
Kenyon, Jared, Rev., 147, 336 | Leavens, C. G., 332, 332B |
Kenyon, John, 232 | Leavens, Calvin, 328 |
Kenyon, Lewis H., 277 | Leavens, G., 328, 385, 388 |
Kenyon, Melissa B., Mrs., 144 | Leavens, Grover, 81 |
Kenyon,Nancy, 294 | Leavens, Helen F., 388 |
Kenyon, Orson, 1289 | Leavens, Ida N., Mrs., 332 |
Kenyon, Ray, 102 | Leavens, Ira M., 388 |
Kenyon, W. C., 386 | Leavens, L., 388 |
Kenyon, William C., 82, 144 | Leavens, Lucia, Mrs., 388 |
Kermott, W. J., Rev., 94 | Leavens, Lucy, Mrs., 388 |
Kerr,Col., Simcoe, 54 | Leavens, Lyford, 328, 332 |
Ketchum, Darius, 122 | Leavens, Mary, 388 |
Ketchum, George P., 77, 232, 234 | Leavens, Mary P., Mrs., 332, 388 |
Ketchum, Horace, 378 | Leavens, Willis H., 332 |
Ketchum, Sheldon F., 122 | Lebar, Horace, 118 |
Key, 123 | Lebar, Melvin, 118 |
Keyes, Dr., 310 | Leddy, J. H., Rev, 180 |
Keyes, General, 98 | Ledwith, Father, 262 |
Keyes, Cyrus, 328 | Lee, 162 |
Keyes, O., 293 | Lee, Father, 262 |
Keyes, William E., 329 | Lee, General, 27, 104, 110, 112, 116, 119, 124, 125, 127, 131 |
Keyes, William H., 136 | Lee, Alonzo W., 135 |
Keyes, Zachariah, 305 | Lee, Betsey A., Mrs., 356 |
Keys, 110, 111 | Lee, C. S., 351 |
Kidd, William, Capt., 16 | Lee, Charles, 351 |
Kidder, A. A., Rev., 284 | Lee, Daniel b., 119 |
Kidder, Henry D., 101 | Lee, Davis, 141 |
Kidder, William B., 101 | Lee,Franklin, 189, 190 |
Kieft, William, 13, 14 | Lee, George K., 322 |
Kilbury, E. R., 133, 219, 221, 223 | Lee, J. J. S., 346, 367 |
Kilbury, Edwin R., 134, 220 | Lee, Luther, Rev., 312 |
Kilbury, Hannah M., Mrs., 223 | Lee, R. H., 353, 354 |
Kilmer, Sumner E., 107 | Lee, Silence, 322 |
Kilpatrick, 106 | Lee, Spencer, 286 |
Kilpatrick, General, 350 | Lee, Syrena, 190 |
Kilpatrick, Judson, 350 | Lee, William T., 130 |
Kimball, Mrs., 240 | Leech, George A., 122 |
Kimball, Albert W., 253 | Leech, J., Rev., 174 |
Kimball,Chester, 238 | Leech, John, Rev., 203 |
Kimball, George H., 127 | Leeland, Eliza N., 267 |
Kimball, Henry A., 330, 332 | Leet, Abner, 312 |
Kimball, Lucius C., 329 | Leet, Betsey, Mrs., 237 |
Kimball, Nathan, 332 | Leet, H., 187 |
Kimball, Nathan C., 328 | Leet, Horace, 192 |
Kimball, Sophronia, Mrs., 332 | Leet, Jane, Mrs., 237 |
Kimball, William, 108 | Leet, Thomas R., 52, 234, 236 |
Kindler, J. Rev., 357 | Lefever, 151 |
King, 169, 242, 353 | Lefever, Amanda, 331 |
King,Col, 242, 273, 285 | Lefever, Samuel, 331 |
King, Capt., 112 | Leif, 11 |
King, Deacon, 285 | Leighton, Nathan, Rev., 260 |
King, A., 337 | Leilous, John, 182 |
King, Albert H., 90 | Leilous, John Jr., 182 |
King, Alvira, 286 | Leilous, Lovina, Mrs., 182 |
King, Benjamin F., 82 | Leilous, P. P., 170 |
King, Charles, 115 | Leisler, Jacob, 15, 16 |
King, Edgar B., 135 | Leister, Judith, 336 |
King, Francis, 60 | Leland, Miriam, 268 |
King, George 352 | Leman, John, 227 |
King, George E., 130 | Lemen, Archibald H., 266 |
King, Horace, 352 | Lentz, Samuel, 93 |
King, James 212 | Leo, Frederick P., 108 |
King, Jane, 290, 291 | Leo, James, M., 100 |
King, Jessie, 337 | Leon, Patrick, 108 |
King, John A., 41 | Leonard, 94 |
King, John F., 380 | Leonard, Absalom, 244 |
King, K., 152 | Leonard,Delos F., 135 |
King, K. W., Mrs., 284 | Leonard, Elijah B., 224, 229 |
King, Lemuel H., 276 | Leonard, Eliza A., 185 |
King, N. L., 280 | Leonard, Emeline, 288 |
King,Preston, 83, 84 | Leonard, Henry, 224 |
King, R. V., 115 | Leonard, Henry, Mrs., 224 |
King, Reuben V., 116 | Leonard, Hiram, 227 |
King, Robert, 82 | Leonard, Horace K., 321 |
King, Rose, 337 | Leonard, Joseph, 224, 225, 226 |
King, Rufus, Gen., 98 | Leonard, L., 89 |
King, Rufus, Rev., 163 | Leonard, S. 285 |
King, Samuel, 78, 89, 211, 244, 273, 274, 279, 280, 281, 285 | Leonard, Squire, 285 |
King, Samuel, L., 132 | Leonard, T. W., 220 |
King, W., 129 | Leonard, Walter, 316, 321 |
King, William H., 94, 276, 280B, 281, 289 | Leroy, Herman, 58 |
King, William M., 128 | Lesner, O. S., 380 |
Kingee, 54 | Lesner, Peter, 380 |
Kinghorn, A., 198 | Lestner, John, 118 |
Kinghorn, Alexander, 129 | Lesuer, C. E., 220 |
Kinghorn, John, 198 | Lesuer, Cyrus E., 219, 353 |
Kinghorn, Margaret, Mrs., 204 | Lesuer, Eli, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221 |
Kingsbury, Amherst, 187, 190, 316 | Lesuer, I. G., 220 |
Kingsbury, Caleb, 187 | Lesuer, Ira, 217 |
Kingsbury, Clara, 288 | Lesuer, Levi, 218, 221 |
Kingsbury, Emeline, 331 | Lesuer, Phebe, 219 |
Kingsbury, Mary, Mrs., 299 | Lesuer, Sarah, Mrs., 222 |
Kingsbury, N. J., 331 | Letchworth, William, P., 43, 54, 312B |
Kingsbury, Orlo T., 100 | Letts, John, 118 |
Kingsbury, Otis, 100, 121, 258 | Letts, Sarah, 165 |
Kingsbury, Percival, 108 | Leutz, J. R., 178 |
Kingsbury, S. G., 299 | Lewis, 140, 199, 232, 280, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 352, 365, 366, 378 |
Kingsley, Andrew, 388 | Lewis, A. A., Rev., 147 |
Kingsley, Andrew, 388 | Lewis, A. H., 147, 189 |
Kingsley, Catharine J., 314 | Lewis, A. H., Rev., 96, 145, 192 |
Kingsley, D., 308B | Lewis, Addie E., Mrs., 367 |
Kingsley, Ebenezer, 314, 388 | Lewis, Albon A., 81 |
Kingsley, Ebenezer, Jr., 388 | Lewis, Alfred, 142, 146, 149, 150 |
Kingsley, Emma, 308B, 388 | Lewis, Alfred H., 108 |
Kingsley, Emily J., 314 | Lewis, Alonzo H., 155, 157 |
Kingsley, Ephraim, 385, 388 | Lewis, Aurelia, 183 |
Kingsley, Frank, 388 | Lewis, Catharine, Mrs., 183 |
Kingsley,Frederick, 388 | Lewis, Cassius C., 121, 276 |
Kingsley, Harriet, 388 | Lewis, Charles, 117, 129, 334 |
Kingsley, Joel, 388 | Lewis, Clinton R., 101 |
Kingsley, Lucinda, 388 | Lewis, Cyrus B., 339 |
Lewis, Cyrus P., 118 | |
Kingsley,Lydia, Mrs., 388 | Lewis, Daniel, 144 |
Kingsley, Mary, 388 | Lewis, Daniel, Dr., 190 |
Kingsley,Nancy, 313, 385, 388 | Lewis, Daniel W., 80, 197 |
Kingsley, Orrin, 307, 312, 388 | Lewis, David O., 117 |
Kingsley, Phoebe, 154 | Lewis, Deborah, Mrs., 367 |
Kingsley, Rebecca, Mrs., 314, 388 | Lewis, Elijah, 319 |
Kinne, Thomas, 295 | Lewis, Ethan, 167 |
Kenney, 209, 243 | Lewis, Ezra, 328, 329 |
Kenney,Alpheus, 246 | Lewis, George W., 130 |
Kenney, C. C., 176 | Lewis, Guy C., 108 |
Kenney, Eaton, 129, 212 | Lewis, H. N., 349, 354, 357, 366 |
Kenney, Emma, Mrs., 269 | Lewis, H. P., 367 |
Kenney, Erastus, 252, 262 | Lewis, Harry, 341 |
Kenney, Erastus M., 135f, f269 | Lewis, Henry, 101, |
Kenney, John A., 122, 129 | Lewis,I. N., 145 |
Kenney, M., Rev., 204 | Lewis, L. S., 178, 182 |
Kenney, O. D., 244, 246B | Lewis, L. T., 96 |
Kenney, Orra D., 246 | Lewis, J. D., 115 |
Kenney, Orrin D., 244 | Lewis, James, 118 |
Kenney, Rufus W., 269 | Lewis, James A., 212 |
Kenney, Susan M., 246 | Lewis, James M., 100 |
Kennie, Erastus, 259 | Lewis, Jason, 322 |
Kinsella, Philip, Rev., 356, 359, 360, 366 | Lewis, Jason, Rev., 285, 341 |
Kinyon, Ethan, 290, 292, 293 | Lewis, Jasper, 121 |
Kinyon, George, 290 | Lewis, John, 194, 196, 341, 342 |
Kinyon, George W., 292 | Lewis, John D., Dr., 116 |
Lewis, Laura, 149 | |
Kirkland, Samuel Rev., 53, 54, 55, 312B | Lewis, Lucien L., 120 |
Kirkpatrick, 257, 280 | Lewis, Lucy, Mrs., 150 |
Kirkpatrick, D. A., 261 | Lewis, Lyman, 147 |
Kirkpatrick, William, 252 | Lewis, Mary, Mrs., 342 |
Kirkpatrick, William A., 212, 261 | Lewis, Mercy E., 381 |
Kissock, Helen, 312 | Lewis, Morgan, 36, 37, 41, 197 |
Kitchell, John, 352 | Lewis, Prentice, 244 |
Klages,Frederick, 130 | Lewis, Ralph, 108 |
Kline, Samuel, N., 130 | Lewis, Rhoda, Mrs., 157 |
Kloppell, O., 227, 228 | Lewis, S. S., Rev., 261 |
Knap, P. W., 355 | Lewis, Seymour, Rev., 359 |
Knapp, 376 | Lewis, Stephen R., 284 |
Knapp, Amos, 355 | Lewis, Thomas, 334 |
Knapp, D. A., 212, 213 | Lewis, William H., 118, 128 |
Knapp, G. W., 336 | Libby, Frank B., 254 |
Knapp, George, 352 | Lile?, Sarah, 271 |
Knapp, George W., 355 | Light, Henry, 152 |
Knight, B., 333, 338 | Lightfoot, Robert, 203 |
Knight, Betsey, 206, 334, 370 | Lillie, John, 340 |
Knight, Caleb, 371 | Lilly, Rev., 191 |
Knight, Celestia, 187 | Lilly, Aaron, 129 |
Knight,Columbus, 301 | Lilly, Dora, 154 |
Knight, David, 307, 312 | Lilly, John, 129 |
Knight, Elihu, 142, 160, 161 | Lina, Hannah, 168 |
Knight, Harry, 301 | Linch, John, 352 |
Knight, John, 334 | Linch, Michael, 93 |
Knight, Joseph, 33, 338 | Linch, Patrick, 93 |
Knight, Polly, Mrs., 334 | Lincoln, 352 |
Knight,Roswell W., 159, 160 | Lincoln, Abraham, 41, 184, 205, 288, 348 |
Knight, Samuel, 333, 338, 370 | Lincoln, Adelia, Mrs., 154 |
Knight, Silas, 77, 187, 334 | Lincoln, Ellen, 314 |
Knight, Willard, 354 | Lincoln, Ellen R., Mrs., 387 |
Knight, William, 82, 94, 185, 333, 334 | Lincoln, James, 154 |
Kniskern, 162 | Lincoln, Wealthy, 153 |
Knoske, E. J., Capt., 121 | Lincoln, William, 162 |
Knott, J. F., Rev., 204 | Lind, John, 251 |
Knowles, Warren,243 | Lindsay, James C., 117 |
Knowlton, Horace M., 173 | Lindsay, Samuel, 117 |
Knowlton, John A., 132 | Lindsley, Alexander, 157 |
Knowlton, William A., 129 | Lindsley, Alvin W., 129 |
Knox, John, 81 | Lindsley, E. E., 157 |
Koehler, Barbara, 236 | Lindsley, John, 376 |
Kolb, J., Rev., 337 | Lindsley, O. H., Mrs., 157 |
Koon, J., 352 | Lines, Olive, 296 |
Konkle, A., 85 | Link, Albert, 352 |
Konkle, W. P., 185 | Link, Christopher, 352 |
Kosciusko, General, 130 | Linkeen, John, 58 |
Krom, Capt., 106 | Lippincott, Ella, Mrs., 167 |
Krusan, Francis H., 135 | Lippincott, J. D., 167 |
Kruse, Isaac A., 375 | Lippincott,I.D., 107 |
Kuder, William, 303 | Lippincott, Peter, 159, 160 |
Kuneman, Francis J., 130 | Lippenwell, Josiah, 77 |
Kurth, W., Rev., 357 | Litchard, A. W., 131 |
Kyes, Mrs., 341 | Litchard, Alexander, 107 |
Kyes, Cyrus, 232 | Litchard, Alexander L., 331 |
Kyes, James, Mrs., 332 | Litchard, Allamanno, 107 |
Kyes, William, Mrs., 241 | Litchard, Elizabeth, Mrs., 167 |
Kyes, William E., 330, 332 | Litchard, George, 167 |
Litchard, Nancy, Mrs., 167 | |
Litchell, Leroy D., 108 | |
Letchfield, Mary A., 368 | |
Litchfield, Noah, Mrs., 241 | |
Little, Alexander, 135 | |
Little, Gilbert, 214, 215 | |
Little, Wealthy R., 270 | |
Little, David, 55 | |
Little, Board, 52 | |
Littlejohn, Augustus, Rev., 164, 165 | |
Littlejohn, DeWitt, 165 | |
Littlejohn, L. S., 78 | |
Littlejohn, Levi S., 152, 178 | |
Littlejohn, Silas, 152 | |
Littlejohn, Silas F., 325, 326 | |
Littleton, William, 210 | |
Livermore, Clara, 192 | |
Livermore, Edmund, 318 | |
Livermore, Edwin M., 135 | |
Livermore, John P., 316, 317, 324 | |
Livermore, M., Rev., 285, 330 | |
Livermore, Rebecca, Mrs., 193 | |
Livermore, Samuel, 117, 188, 193, 318 | |
Livermore, Theodore, 128, 187, 192 | |
Livingston, Charles, Rev., 356 | |
Livingston, George W., 222 | |
Livingston, John, 57 | |
Lloyd, Miss, 206 | |
Lloyd, John, 198 | |
Lloyd, Ransom, 89, 94 | |
Locke, D. R., 340 | |
Locke, David R., 349 | |
Locke, William, 295 | |
Lockeby, John, 104 | |
Lockhart, 205A | |
Lockhart, A., 199 | |
Lockhart, A. L., 199 | |
Lockhart, Albert, 90 | |
Lockhart, Alfred, 81, 160, 198, 200, 203 | |
Lockhart, Alfred, Mrs., 160 | |
Lockhart, Anna, Mrs., 167 | |
Lockhart, Elizabeth, 167 | |
Lockhart, George, 143, 159, 160 | |
Lockhart, Henrietta, Mrs., 207 | |
Lockhart, J., 199 | |
Lockhart, James, 94, 160, 198, 199, 207 | |
Lockhart, John, 371 | |
Lockhart, Joseph, 94, 160, 167 | |
Lockhart, Moses, 160, 167 | |
Lockie, James, 119 | |
Lockwood, Charles, 257 | |
Lockwood, Frank M., 100 | |
Lockwood, Franklin, 129 | |
Lockwood, Isaac N., 133 | |
Lockyer, Capt., 25 | |
Loder, Jesse, 107 | |
Long Beard, 52 | |
Long,Col., 144 | |
Long, Ida, Mrs., 144 | |
Longcore, 155 | |
Longcore, Randall, 100 | |
Longcore, Richard, 170 | |
Longstreet, General, 110, 123 | |
Loomis, Gilbert E., 326 | |
Loomis, Joslyn, 234 | |
Loomis, Mary A., 182 | |
Loomis, R. H., 325 | |
Loomis, Reuben H., 326 | |
Loop, John, 290 | |
Lord, Abraham, 378 | |
Lord, Fernando C., 371 | |
Lord, James, 117 | |
Lord, William, 214 | |
Lottridge, John D., 132, 254 | |
Londoun, Lord, 20, 21 | |
Lourie, Grace, 153 | |
Lovelace, Francis, Capt., 14 | |
Lovelace, Lord, 17 | |
Lovell, Mrs., 188 | |
Lovell, Betsy, 376 | |
Lovell, C. H., 154 | |
Lovell, Sarah, Mrs., 154 | |
Loveridge, 253, 265, 347 | |
Loveridge, D. E., Rev., 261 | |
Loveridge, E. D., 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 262, 265, 269 | |
Loveridge, Edward D., 81 | |
Loveridge, Erastus, 269 | |
Loveridge,Frances, Mrs., 269 | |
Loveridge, George U., 265 | |
Loveridge, M. P., 269 | |
Lowe, Ebenezer W., 130 | |
Lowe, Leroy, 127 | |
Lowe, Lydia A., Mrs., 207 | |
Lowe, S. P., 207 | |
Lowe, U. B., 200 | |
Lowell,D.D., Rev., 372 | |
Lowell, Daniel D., 371 | |
Lowell, M., 303 | |
Lowell, Samuel, 358 | |
Lowell, Samuel, Mrs., 358 | |
Lowell, William S., 303 | |
Lownsbury, Charles, 207 | |
Lownsbury, Delia, Mrs., 207 | |
Loyd, C. L., 364B | |
Loyden, Capt., 97, 98 | |
Loyden, Marshall M., 100 | |
Lubar,Chester, 244 | |
Lucas, Daniel, 118 | |
Lucas, Mary T., Mrs., 246 | |
Luce, N. R., Rev., 245 | |
Luce, William A., 130 | |
Luckey, S. B., 298 | |
Ludington, Swinton, 118 | |
Ludlow, William H., 263 | |
Luell, O., Mrs., 227 | |
Luell, O., Miss, 227 | |
Lupien, Theodore, 361 | |
Luroy, Elvira, Mrs., 261 | |
Lurvey, Aurilla, 245 | |
Lurvey, Benjamin, 245 | |
Lurvey, Betsey A., 245 | |
Lurvey, Elvira, 245 | |
Lurvey, Jabez, 242, 243 | |
Lurvey, Olive, 245 | |
Lurvey, Peter, 243, 244 | |
Lurvey, Rachel, 245 | |
Lurvey, William, 245 | |
Lusk, Thomas, 77 | |
Luther, F. C., 235 | |
Luther, Nathaniel, 336 | |
Lyman, Dr., 312B | |
Lyman, General, 20 | |
Lyman, Charles, 388 | |
Lyman, Cornelia, Mrs., 388 | |
Lyman, Cornelia C., 314 | |
Lyman, Edwin, 388 | |
Lyman, Elijah, 238 | |
Lyman, George, 388 | |
Lyman, H. H., 213 | |
Lyman, H. H., Dr., 308B, 310 | |
Lyman, Henry D., 212, 307, 388 | |
Lyman, Henry H., Dr., 314, 388 | |
Lyman, Ira, 388 | |
Lyman, Martin, 388 | |
Lyman, Phoebe A., 388 | |
Lyman, Sophia, Mrs., 388 | |
Lyman, William, 187 | |
Lynch, 318 | |
Lynch, Luther, 130 | |
Lynch, Michael, 191 | |
Lyon, Deacon, 71 | |
Lyon, A. J., 89 | |
Lyon, Abraham J., 77, 78, 328, 329 | |
Lyon, Asenath, 147 | |
Lyon, Cynthia, Mrs., 216 | |
Lyon, E. P., 328 | |
Lyon, Ebenezer P., 329 | |
Lyon, L. B., 326 | |
Lyon, Mary J., 315 | |
Lyon, Melinda, 315 | |
Lyon, Rhoda, 218 | |
Lyon, Simeon S., 216 | |
Lyon, Spencer, 325 | |
Lyons, 188 | |
Lyons, A. J., 108 | |
Lytle, William, 204 |