Transcribed 2016 by Ronald G. Taylor
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NOTE: It is a common occurrence for a name to be associated with a military listing which could only be a name and unit in which the person served. Information in the history varies in material from a single name to a short Biography.
French’s Index
Mabie, Elias, 302 | Nanfan, John, 16 |
Mabie, Hosea, 152 | Nash, Miss, 182 |
Mabie, Timothy, 301 | Nash, Caries, Mrs., 259 |
Mace, B. F., Rev., 204, 213, 227 | Nash, E. R., 255, 256, 259, 260 |
Macfee, Sarah J., 207 | Nash, John, 247, 249, 260, 266 |
Macken, 347 | Nash, Lewis, 249, 252, 253, 254, 257 |
Macken, Dr., 347 | Nash, M. L., 259 |
Macken, C. b., 248 | Nash, Malcom L., 106 |
Macken, J. b., 352 | Nast, Joh, 250 |
Macken, James, 348, 351 | Nast, Lewis, 252 |
Macken, M., Dr., 348 | Neal, 367 |
Macomb, General, 40 | Neal, Esther, Mrs., 314 |
Macomb, Alexander, 36 | Neal, William, H., 314 |
Madden, Patsey, 279 | Nealey, Samuel, 77 |
Maddison, George N., 135 | Nealey, Samuel, 159 |
Madison, 353 | Neely, Celia, Mrs., 213 |
Maer, Willard S., 303 | Neely, Justus H., 209, 211, 213 |
Magaw, Col, 28 | Neely, Reuben, 213 |
Magee, 369 | Neff, Abby J., 267 |
Magee, Hugh, 80 | Neff, William P., 134 |
Magee, John, 162, 198, 333 | Nelian, Henry P., 129 |
Magee, Julia F., 190 | Nellis, Capt., 230 |
Magee, S., 190 | Nelson, Rev., 164 |
Magee, Sidney, 347 | Nelson, Samuel, 270 |
Magner, 347 | Nephew, Cornelius, 167 |
Magner, David, 187, 191 | Nephew, Emma, Mrs., 167 |
Magner, Frank W., 352 | Nephew, H., 159 |
Magner, John, 191 | Nephew, Hiram, 167 |
Magader, General, 110 | Nephew, Hiram, Mr.s, 165 |
Mahan, John, 152 | Nephew, Martha, Mrs., 167 |
Mahew, Philander, 136 | Nett, 172 |
Mahoney, 262 | Nettleton, Eli, 235 |
Maler, Caroline, 370 | Nettleton, Mary, Mrs., 235 |
Main, Alfred, 243, 244 | Newcomb, Asahel, 77 |
Main, Alexander H., 81, 292 | Newcome, P. S., 311 |
Main, Dorcas, 245 | Newell, Martha, Mrs., 167 |
Main, Edgar P., 100 | Newell, Miner, 167, 193A |
Main, Edwin, 121 | Newell, Miner, Mrs., 193A |
Main, Erastus, 243, 244, 245 | Newell, S. G., 259 |
Main, Henry, 245 | Newitt, Kittie, Mrs., 150 |
Main, Ira, 244 | Newitt, W. I., 145 |
Main, John H., 121 | Newitt, Washington, 150 |
Main, John J., 119 | Newland, Rev., 191 |
Main, Laban, 244 | Newland, A. C., Rev., 179, 358 |
Main, Miranda, 245 | Newland, C. A., Rev., 204 |
Major, Elizabeth, 164 | Newman, Polly, 181 |
Major, Ellen, 373 | Newton, 221 |
Major, John, 159, 160, 161 | Newton, Abigail, Mrs., 223 |
Major, Samuel, 159, 160 | Newton, B. O., 220 |
Major, Stephen, 89, 142, 159, 160, 162, 373 | Newton, C. B., 176, 184B |
Major, Thomas, 160, 164 | Newton, Calvin, 175 |
Makee, Alfonso L., 100 | Newton, Calvin B., 183 |
Makee, Ambrose W., 284 | Newton, Charles M., 107 |
Makee, Harvery, 100 | Newton, Clark E., 378, 379 |
Makee, Henrietta, 284 | Newton, D. A., 219, 220, 254 |
Makee, Henrietta, Mrs., 184 | Newton, Darius A., 221 |
Makee, J. M., 281 | Newton, George, 215 |
Makee, John, 284 | Newton, H. B., 220, 378 |
Maker, A., Rev., 298 | Newton, Henry C., 103 |
Mallory, Cordilia, 268 | Newton, Henry R., 215, 216 |
Mallory, Horace, 77, 78, 187 | Newton, Hollis B., 218, 219, 221 |
Mallory, Samuel, 190, 191 | Newton, Isaac, 170 |
Mallory, T., 96 | Newton, Olive, Mrs., 216 |
Maloney, Matthew, 262 | Newton, Phebe, Mrs., 218 |
Maltby, Darwin, 101 | Newton, Rhoda, Mrs., 218 |
Manchester, J. P., 268A, 312B | Newton, S. J., 220 |
Manchester, James P., 305, 314, 388, 389 | Newton, Truman C., 216 |
Manchester, Mary, 311 | Newville, Henry G., 120 |
Manchester, Peleag, 388 | Newville, John A., 129 |
Mandeville, William, 117, 278 | Newville, Van R., 129 |
Mangan, Mrs., 262 | Nichols, Mrs., 243, 322, 323, 349 |
Mangan, Thomas, 262 | Nichols, Abigail, 245 |
Manley, Austin, 152 | Nichols, Caroline, 246 |
Manning, Harvey, 170 | Nichols, Clark, 243 |
Manning, Jacob, 170 | Nichols, Ebenezer B., 367 |
Manning, John, 129 | Nichols, Eunice, 245 |
Manning, John, Capt., 14 | Nichols, Henry W., 132 |
Manning, Lydia A., 208 | Nichols, John, Jr., 108, 197 |
Manning, Squire, 77 | Nichols, Leonard, 325, 326 |
Mansfield, Lt., 120 | Nichols, Lloyd, 117 |
Manyan, Thomas, 108 | Nichols, Richard, Capt., 14 |
Mapes, 210 | Nichols, Samuel, Rev., 191 |
Mapes, Major, 120 | Nichols, William, 100, 122 |
Mapes, Abraham, 196 | Nichols, William W., 86, 265, 367 |
Mapes, Alfred L., 104 | Nicholson, Edward, 232, 234 |
Mapes, Bascom P., 183 | Nicholson, Francis, 15, 17 |
Mapes, Betsey, Mrs., 196 | Nicholson, Samantha E., 166 |
Mapes, Charles, 101 | Nickerson, Henry, 334, 338 |
Mapes, David C., 104 | Nickerson, William, 334 |
Mapes, Frances, Mrs., 183 | Nickerson, William H., 334, 338 |
Mapes, George, 210 | Nickols, Robert, 108 |
Mapes, Henry, 196, 210, 377 | Niles, 353, 366 |
Mapes, J. G., 210 | Niles, Dr., 196 |
Mapes, James, 196 | Niles, C. E., 351, 357 |
Mapes, Sally, Mrs., 377 | Niles, Elijah, 364 |
Mapes, William, 272 | Niles, E. W., 344, 367 |
Marble, Hannah M., 205 | Niles, Henry, Rev., 203 |
Marble, Sidney, 370, 371 | Niles, Ira, 343, 367 |
March, Moses, 301 | Niles, John, Rev., 164, 202 |
March, William, 98 | Niles, Marian, 364 |
Marcy, Gov., 228, 369 | Niles, W. A., Dr., 95, 357 |
Marcy, William, 41 | Niles, W. J., 203 |
Margason, John S., 118 | Niles, Zoe, Mrs., 367 |
Margeson, Ferris F., 339 | Niver, Amanda, 288 |
Marion, Charlotte, 190 | Niver, Casper, 272, 285 |
Marion, Ezra, 129 | Niver, Catharine, 287 |
Marion, George, 355 | Niver, William, 272 |
Marion, William M., 278 | Nixson, Marvin A., 100 |
Marker, Charles, 355 | Noble, Catharine, Mrs., 183 |
Markham, 312 | Noble, Elizabeth, 277 |
Markham, Miss, 207 | Noble, Emily, Mrs., 183 |
Maroney, Timothy, 104 | Noble, George, 350 |
Marr, Nathaniel, 130 | Noble, Harriet, 182 |
Marriatt, Mosher, 331 | Noble, Hiram, 170 |
Marsh, Miss, 271 | Noble, J. C., 348, 370 |
Marsh, Ezra, 119 | Noble, Laura, 185 |
Marsh, Henry D., 303 | Noble, Martin, 170 |
Marsh, Orlin 325 | Noble, Milton G., 334 |
Marshall, 49 | Noble, R., 183 |
Marshall, Col., 120 | Noble, Roswell, 170, 180 |
Marshall, Horace, 108 | Noble, William, 170 |
Marth, Misses, 199 | Nobles, 210 |
Martin, Catharine, 390 | Nobles, Jedediah, 77, 79, 80, 209, 233, 234 |
Martin, Charles, 352 | Nobles, John C., 77 |
Martin, J. S., Rev., 341 | Nobles, Timothy, 155 |
Martindale, Family, 189 | Nobles, Z., 77 |
Marvin, 233, 312 | Nolan, John, 134 |
Marvin, G. M., 181 | Nowlin, Samuel, 248, 249 |
Marvin, G. W., 312B, 314, 389 | Norris, Peter S., 85, 341 |
Marvin, Leonard, Capt., 113 | Northrup, 239 |
Marvin, Leonard H., 113 | Northrup, Riley, 239 |
Marvin, Philip O., 129 | Norton, Miss, 185 |
Marvin, Rebecca, Mrs., 314 | Norton, Alice, 184 |
Marvin, R. P., 93 | Norton, Allen, 371 |
Marvin, Seth, 272, 371 | Norton, Andrew A., 77, 89 |
Maryott, A. R., Rev., 297, 298 | Norton, Andrus A., 91 |
Mason, C., 330 | Norton, Benjamin, 173, 174, 175, 178, 183 |
Mason, George, 178 | Norton, Benjamin, Jr., 183 |
Mason, Harmon h., 128 | Norton, Caroline A., Mrs., 183 |
Mason, Harrison H., 129 | Norton, E. J., 338 |
Mason, John M., 100 | Norton, E. L., 338 |
Mason, Mary E., 207 | Norton, Ebenezer, 88, 174, 175, 180, 183 |
Mason, R., 256 | Norton, Emery E., 81, 201 |
Mason, William F., 100 | Norton, Emma, Mrs., 338 |
Masters, Deforest, 115 | Norton, Erastus, 77 |
Mastin, F. R., Rev., 312, 341 | Norton, Francis, 173, 174, 183, 184 |
Maston, Samuel P., 118 | Norton, H. A., 178 |
Mather, 311 | Norton, H. S., 183 |
Mather, C., 89 | Norton, Harvey, 100, 121 |
Mather, Charles, 128, 305 | Norton, Henry S., 178, 180 |
Mather, Harden, 306 | Norton, Henry J., 244 |
Mather, J., 355 | Norton, I. M., 215 |
Mather, John C., 263 | Norton, J. B., 183 |
Mathison, Rev., 191 | Norton, J. W., 178, 183, 354 |
Mathison, W. C., Rev., 204 | Norton, Joel, 187, 200 |
Matter, George, 303 | Norton, John b., 179 |
Matthews, Alexander, C., 132, 278 | Norton, John, 174, 175, 178, 179 |
Matthews, C. H., 257 | Norton, Joseph B., 174, 289 |
Matthews, Dana, 129 | Norton, Joseph S., 176, 183, 270B |
Matthews, James, 214, 215 | Norton, Marion, (no page number) |
Matthews, James E., 214 | Norton, Mary, Mrs., 183, 338 |
Matthews, Vicent, 80 | Norton, O. W., 178, 203 |
Matthews, William C., 215, 229 | Norton, Oliver, 171, 175, 178 |
Mattice, Henry, Rev., 95 | Norton, Richard, 371 |
Mattison, Mary, 323 | Norton, Robert, 257 |
Mattison, Nancy, 167 | Norton, Ruth, 174 |
Mauder, Henry, 156 | Norton, S. M., 265, 276, 280, 281, 289 |
Maxon, 256 | Norton, Sarah, Mrs., 183 |
Maxon, Dr., 252 | Norton, William, 183 |
Maxon, Amos B., 159 | Norton, William L., 338 |
Maxon, B., 89 | Nourse, Adeline, Mrs., 314, 390 |
Maxon, B. D., 380 | Nourse, Allen, 307, 310, 331A, 389, 390 |
Maxon, Benjamin, 290, 291, 293 | Nourse, Eliza, 390 |
Maxon, Cassius, 293 | Nourse, Emma N., Mrs.,390 |
Maxon, Darwin E., 81 | Nourse, Garrit, 390 |
Maxon, David, 290 | Nourse, Henry, 390 |
Maxon, Elias I., 290 | Nourse, Julia, Mrs., 390 |
Maxon, Enoch K., Dr., 95 | Nourse, L. L., 331A |
Maxon, F. B., 190 | Nourse, Lorenzo, 389 |
Maxon, George, 146 | Nourse, Lucy, Mrs., 390 |
Maxon, Harriet, 149 | Nourse, Lysander, 314, 389, 390 |
Maxon, Horace L., 117 | Nourse, Persis, 390 |
Maxon, Joel, 290 | Nourse, Peter, 389 |
Maxon, John, 118, 336 | Nourse, Philip, 385 |
Maxon, Joseph, 290 | Nourse, Samantha, 389 |
Maxon, Joseph Jr., 77 | Nourse, Sarah, 385, 390 |
Maxon, L.R.T., Dr., 274 | Nourse, Susan, 390 |
Maxon, Luctetia, 150 | Nourse, Willard, 389 |
Maxon, Luke, 92, 146 | Noyes, John C., 246 |
Maxon, Marion, 292 | Noyes, Lorainia, Mrs., 246 |
Maxon, M. M., 117 | Noyes, Laura, Mrs., 246 |
Maxon, Phebe, 291 | Noyes, Mary, Mrs., 246 |
Maxon, Ruth, 336 | Noyes, Maria, 182 |
Maxon, Schuyler, 293 | Nugent, John, D., 118 |
Maxon, Stephen, 257, 262, 271A, 290, 291 | Nutten, D., Rev., 191 |
Maxon, Stephen, Mrs., 266, 271A | Nutting, George, Rev., 191, 235 |
Maxon, Stephen Dr., 95, 253, 261 | Nye, Benjamin B., 367 |
Maxon, Susan, 150 | Nye, Darwin D., 212 |
Maxon, Wealthy A., Mrs., 261 | Nye, H. H., 346, 347, 354, 367 |
Maxon, William B., 146, 294 | Nye, J., 312B |
Maxson, 277 | Nye, Joel, 238 |
Maxson, Amos L., 336 | Nye, Jonathan, 389 |
Maxson, Benjamin, 135, 141, 292, 294 | Nye, M. B., 330 |
Maxson, D. E., Rev., 294 | Nye, Mary A., 314, 389 |
Maxson, Darwin, Rev., 116 | |
Maxson, David, 146, 292 | |
Maxson, Fernando S., 14s, 187 | |
Maxson, George, 340 | |
Maxson, Henrietta, 331 | |
Maxson, James, 320 | |
Maxson, Joel, 83, 292, 294 | |
Maxson, Joseph, 238, 239, 292, 294 | |
Maxson, Luke, 142, 145, 321 | |
Maxson, Lydia, 294 | |
Maxson, Miranda, 150 | |
Maxson, Nathan, 146 | |
Maxson, Phebe, 294, 381 | |
Maxson, Phebe A., 381 | |
Maxson, Susan, Mrs., 142 | |
Maxson, Sylvester, 320 | |
Maxson, William, 87, 277 | |
Maxwell, James, 319, 231 | |
Maxwell, Samuel, 89 | |
May, Rev., 284 | |
May, Aaron E., 179 | |
May, Cornelius J., 12 | |
May, Elijhu S., 303 | |
May, Elizabeth, 174 | |
May, Ellis, 174, 175, 178, 179 | |
May, F., 179 | |
May, H. H., 178 | |
May, Harvery H., 175, 178 | |
May, John M., 176, 179 | |
May, Lucius S., 81, 84, 173, 178 | |
May, Mary, Mrs., 179 | |
May, Samuel W., Rev., 179, 202, 260 | |
Maybe, George, 355 | |
Mayhew, Elizabeth, Mrs., 207 | |
Mayhew, P. G., 207 | |
McAndrew, Richard, 191 | |
McAuley, Mrs., 346 | |
McAuliff, John, 265 | |
McBride, Michael, 262 | |
McBride, Robert, 151 | |
McCabe, John, Rev., 180 | |
McCall, E. F., 330, 331 | |
McCall, Huldah, 331 | |
McCall, James, 81, 238, 329, 330 | |
McCall, M., 89 | |
McCall, Milton, 94 | |
McCall, Nelson, 326 | |
McCall, Rosina, 331 | |
McCarthy, Mrs., 262 | |
McCarthy, Daniel, 132 | |
McCarthy, James, 129, 279 | |
McCarthy, John, 191 | |
McCarthy, Mary, 207 | |
McClanathan, Thomas 77 | |
McClellan, General, 103, 110, 111, 122, 264, 270, 382 | |
McClellan, Elizabeth, 182 | |
McCluer, General, 39 | |
McCluer, David, 88 | |
McCluer, Joseph, 77, 87, 88 | |
McCluer, Don, 281 | |
McClumpha, Mary, 287 | |
McClumpha, William, 254 | |
McCollum, Mary E., 314 | |
McConnell, A. J., Rev., 180, 359 | |
McConnell, Arthur, 191 | |
McConnell, H. 189, 190 | |
McConnell, Henry, 193 | |
McCoon, 151 | |
McCoon, James, 295 | |
McCormick, M., 281 | |
McCoy, John, 171 | |
McCracken, John, 135 | |
McCracken, Robert, 129 | |
McCrary, 368 | |
McCrary, C. L., 355 | |
McCrary, Charles L., 368 | |
McCrary, S., 349 | |
McCray, James, 212, 234 | |
McCray, William, 238 | |
McCullin, Charles, 107 | |
McCurdy, 224 | |
McCurdy, Daniel, 225 | |
McCurdy, David, 79 | |
McDermont, E. M., Rev., 180 | |
McDaniels, Harvey, 117 | |
McDaniels, Robert M., 129 | |
McDonald, Allen A., 101 | |
McDonald, D., 377 | |
McDonald, F., Rev, 179 | |
McDonald, James, 352 | |
McDonald, John, 101 | |
McDonald, P. A., 354 | |
McDonald, S. D., 359 | |
McDonald, Sarah, 331 | |
McDonald, William, 101 | |
McDonnell, Col., 38 | |
McDonnell, John H., 117 | |
McDonough, Commodore, 40 | |
McDougal, General, 28 | |
McDougal, James, 242, 243, 244 | |
McDougal, James, M. D., 243 | |
McDougal, Maria, 243 | |
McDougal, General, 98, 101, 119 | |
McElhany, T. M., Rev., 204 | |
McElheney, 94 | |
McElheney, James, 134 | |
McElheney, V. J., 259 | |
McElhenny, Andrew J., 107 | |
McElhenny, Harvey, 117 | |
McElhenny, Newell C., 117 | |
McElhenny, Valoras, 120 | |
McElheny, Amy A., 332 | |
McElheny, Benjamin, 128 | |
McElheny, Jacob, 325 | |
McEllheny, T., 89 | |
McElwain, 312B | |
McElwain, G. R., 312B | |
McElwain, John A., 263 | |
McEvers, 23 | |
McEvoy, T., Rev., 180 | |
McEwen, 347, 353 | |
McEwen, Duncan, 347, 367 | |
McEwen, Duncan H., 346 | |
McEwen, Duncan, Mrs., 367 | |
McEwen, J. H., 255 | |
McEwen, James, 351, 352 | |
McEwen, John, 347, 351, 367 | |
McEwen, W. R., 347, 351, 367 | |
McGatt, Jeremiah, Rev., 227 | |
McGee, S., 187 | |
McGee, Samuel R., 100 | |
McGibney, A. B., 372 | |
McGibney, Alonzo B., 373 | |
McGibney, David C., 118 | |
McGibney, George, 340, 342 | |
McGibney, George B., 118 | |
McGibney, Henderson, 117 | |
McGibney, Henry, 371 | |
McGibney, Henry H., 130 | |
McGibney, Lovina, 182 | |
McGibney, Mary, 342 | |
McGibney, Mary, Mrs., f372 | |
McGibney, Mary E., Mrs., 373 | |
McGibney, Samuel J., 118 | |
McGibney, Wilbur F., 129 | |
McGinty, Francis, 191 | |
McGonogle, Martha, 289 | |
McGrath, Mrs., 262 | |
McGrath, Daniel, 262 | |
McGraw, 326 | |
McHale, Michael, 352 | |
McHenry, Family, 161 | |
McHenry, Anna, 164 | |
McHenry, Daniel, 77, 89, 159, 180 | |
McHenry, George W., 160, 371 | |
McHenry, Henry, 77, 142, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164 | |
McHenry, James, 77 | |
McHenry, Joseph, 160 | |
McHenry, Joseph, Mrs., 160 | |
McHenry, Maria, 167 | |
McHenry, Marion, 107 | |
McHenry, Martha, 366 | |
McHenry, Matthew, 143, 160, 161 | |
McHenry, Philip, 371 | |
McHenry, Priscilla, 164 | |
McHenry, Samuel, 160 | |
McHenry, Vavanes H., 107 | |
McHenry, Walter, 135, 136, 160, 167 | |
McHenry, William, 161 | |
McIntosh, Angus, 232 | |
McIntosh, Daniel, 160 | |
McIntosh, Elmer D., 107 | |
McIntosh, H., 162 | |
McIntosh, John, 130, 142, 160, 161, 212 | |
McIntosh, John, Jr., 160 | |
McIntosh, John E., 129 | |
McIntosh, Joseph C., 107 | |
McIntosh, Martha, 165 | |
McIntyre, John, 118 | |
McIntyre, Stephen, 118 | |
McIntyre, William, 118 | |
McKay, Carey, 159 | |
McKean, Frances, 236 | |
McKee, James D., 135 | |
McKee, James R., 132 | |
McKee, Joseph W., 132 | |
McKee, Rebecca Mrs., 269 | |
McKee, Walter, 135 | |
McKeen, Graham, Mrs., 325 | |
McKeen, James D., 305, 311 | |
McKeen, John, 212, 234 | |
McKeen, Mary 325 | |
McKeese, Ripley, 108 | |
McKendric, P., 352 | |
McKenna, Joseph, Rev., 180 | |
McKenney, J. D., Rev., 321 | |
McKenny, Father, 262 | |
McKibben, Mrs., 256 | |
McKinister, Rev., 262 | |
McKinister, Joseph, 243 | |
McKinney, Electa, 331 | |
McKinney, Warren, 331 | |
McLaughlin, Charlotte, 304 | |
McLaughlin, Michael, 262 | |
McLean, James N., 135 | |
McLeod, Rev., 191 | |
McLure, Joseph, 197 | |
McMahan, John, 262 | |
McManaman, Hugh, 104 | |
McMaster, G. H., 60, 66 | |
McMaster, Guy H., 87 | |
McMonagle, J., 260 | |
McMonagle, James, 259 | |
McMonigal, Hugh, 249 | |
McMonigal, John, 249 | |
McMonigal, William, 249 | |
McMullen, J. H., 254 | |
McMett, A. J., 176, 180, 183, 183A, 265 | |
McMett, A. J., Col, 93 | |
McMett, Abbie, Mrs., 183 | |
McMett, Andrew J., 102, 103, 104 | |
McNitt, John, 161 | |
McOmber, Charles, 100, 279 | |
McOmber, Elijah, 340, 342 | |
McOmber, O. P., 339 | |
McOmber, Stephen H., 342 | |
McOmber, Walter S., 118 | |
McQueen, Nancy, 284 | |
McQueen, R., 281 | |
McQueen, Roswell, 354 | |
McVickar, Duncan, 118 | |
McWaver, Amanda, Mrs., 216 | |
McWaver, James, 216 | |
McWhorter, J. N., 256 | |
McWhorter, John, 197 | |
McWhorter, William H., 133 | |
McWeaver, James, 136 | |
McWilliam, Donald, 106 | |
Meabon, Edwain, 117 | |
Mead, 344 | |
Mead, H. H., 254 | |
Mead, Henry A., 82, 252, 254, 258, 260 | |
Mead, John, 219 | |
Mead, Joseph W., 108 | |
Mead, Lafayette, 120 | |
Mead, P. A., Rev., 245 | |
Mead, R. C., 259 | |
Mead, Sarah J., 342 | |
Meade, Gen., 106, 123 | |
Meade, Caroline, Mrs., 269 | |
Meade, E., 158 | |
Meade, H. A., 269 | |
Meade, Jane, Mrs., 269 | |
Meade, P. A., 95 | |
Meade, Samuel, 134 | |
Medbury, Flora E., 246 | |
Meek, William, 108 | |
Meeks, Elias, 107 | |
Meikle, Caroline, 182 | |
Mellefont, R. H., 355 | |
Mercer, Col., 20, 21 | |
Merchant, Luther, 307 | |
Merchant, William W., 129 | |
Mering, I., Rev., 341, 373 | |
Merithew, C., 277, 228 | |
Merithew, Clara, 228 | |
Merrell, Henry S, 100 | |
Merriam, A. E., 355 | |
Merriam, D. B., 381 | |
Merriam, F. P., 288 | |
Merriam, Isis, Mrs., 289 | |
Merriam, Lot, 289 | |
Merrick, 152 | |
Merrick, A. C., 377 | |
Merrick, George, 78 | |
Merrick, S. D., 359 | |
Merril, Emmit, 100 | |
Merril, John, 108 | |
Merrill, George, 130 | |
Merrill, O. S., 249 | |
Merrill, S. W., 259 | |
Merrill, Stephen W., 257 | |
Merrill, Thomas R., 121 | |
Merrils, Stephen, 91 | |
Merrils, John F., 104 | |
Merriman, Rev., 311 | |
Merriman, A. E., Dr., 347 | |
Merriman, Daniel, 122 | |
Merriman, Daniel B., 106 | |
Merriman, Daniel W., 107 | |
Merriman, Fred P., 276 | |
Merriman, J. R., Rev., 95, 204 | |
Merriman, Levi, 176 | |
Merriman, Sylvanus, 91, 245, 274, 276, 281, 286 | |
Merritt, Dr., 347 | |
Merritt, Bogardus, 253 | |
Merritt, C. S., 259 | |
Merritt, Charles S., 259 | |
Merritt, Frederick W., 132, 381 | |
Merritt, George, 290 | |
Merritt, Henry T., 259 | |
Merritt, Ida E., Mrs., 381 | |
Merwin, Nelson, 241 | |
Merwin, Philancy, Mrs., 241 | |
Merserva, Benjamin F., 128 | |
Mesler, James, 108 | |
Messenger, 277 | |
Messenger, Achsa, 380 | |
Messenger, Calvin, 380 | |
Messenger, Martha, 380 | |
Messenger, Roxy, 380 | |
Messerall, John, 214 | |
Messervy, James J., 108 | |
Metcalf, 61 | |
Metcalf, C. E., 132 | |
Metcalf, Cornelia, 331 | |
Metcalf, E. Rev., 331 | |
Metcalf, Elijah, 331 | |
Metcalf, Elijah, Jr., 331 | |
Metcalf, Eliza, 331 | |
Metcalf, Gregory, 238 | |
Metcalf, L. B., 331 | |
Metcalf, Levi, 331 | |
Metcalf, Lyman B., 108 | |
Metcalf, Rachel, 331 | |
Metcalf, Saloma, 331 | |
Metcer, John, 101 | |
Metz, Ella G., 167 | |
Meyer, George, Rev., 357 | |
Meyer, L., Rev., 357 | |
Meyers, Simeon, 108 | |
Middaugh, 280 | |
Middaugh, Abram, 268B, 333 | |
Middaugh, Alvin, 331A, 333, 338 | |
Middaugh, Elizabeth, Mrs., 338 | |
Middaugh, Emily, 185 | |
Middaugh, J., 89 | |
Middaugh, J. E., 338 | |
Middaugh, John, 333, 334 | |
Middaugh, Marian E., Mrs., 271 | |
Middaugh, Mary, Mrs., 338 | |
Middaugh, Melvina, 148 | |
Middaugh, R. E., 281 | |
Middaugh, R. Emmett, 388 | |
Middaugh, Robert E., 276 | |
Middaugh, Susan, Mrs., 338 | |
Middaugh, William, 333, 338, 364B | |
Milborne, 15 | |
Miles, Col., 121 | |
Miles, George, 80, 91, 198, 200, 201, 270 | |
Miles, Harvey, 198 | |
Miles, Isaac, 200, 212, 334 | |
Mill, Charles, 296 | |
Mill, Charles, Jr., 303 | |
Millard, 360 | |
Millard, Alpha G., 234 | |
Millard, Benjamin, 333 | |
Millard, Clark, 218, 221 | |
Millard, Jarius, 235 | |
Millard, John R., 130 | |
Millard, Nelson, 218 | |
Millard, William, 336 | |
Millen, Joshua, 353 | |
Miller, A., 178 | |
Miller, Amanda, 185 | |
Miller, Ann, 373 | |
Miller, Anna, Mrs., 154 | |
Miller, Antoinette, 166 | |
Miller, Austin F., 225, 229 | |
Miller, Charles, 135 | |
Miller, Conrad, 130 | |
Miller, Daniel G., 154 | |
Miller, Elizabeth, 167 | |
Miller, Eunice, Mrs., 229 | |
Miller, Fay, 226 | |
Miller, G. D., 212 | |
Miller, George W., 108 | |
Miller, Henry, 226, 352 | |
Miller, Joseph, 225, 229 | |
Miller, Josephus, 226 | |
Miller, Louis, 352 | |
Miller, M. H., 355 | |
Miller, Moses, 134 | |
Miller, Moses, Chief Justice, 365 | |
Miller, Myron, 117 | |
Miller, Oliver, 161 | |
Miller, Polly C., 313 | |
Miller, Prosper, 276, 285, 289 | |
Miller, Russell J., 119 | |
Miller, Sarah, 228 | |
Miller, Sarah, Mrs., 154 | |
Miller, Thomas, 212 | |
Miller, W. H., 355 | |
Miller, Wilhemina, 365 | |
Miller, William, 152, 225, 316 | |
Miller, William R., 354 | |
Millett, John, 117 | |
Millett, Milton, Mrs., 210 | |
Millis, D. C., 244 | |
Mills, 218, 312 | |
Mills, General, 311 | |
Mills, Abigail, 389 | |
Mills, Alexander V., 234 | |
Mills, Alice, Mrs., 314 | |
Mills, C. D., 377 | |
Mills, C. M., 314 | |
Mills, Catharine, Mrs., 314, 389 | |
Mills, Charles M., 53, 305, 308, 310, 389 | |
Mills, Chester D., 355, 377 | |
Mills, Deusa, 377 | |
Mills, Edward R., 335 | |
Mills, Edwain, 175 | |
Mills, Elisha, 305, 306, 308 | |
Mills, Elliseif, 391 | |
Mills, Emeline, 389 | |
Mills, George, 305, 310 | |
Mills, Helen, 390 | |
Mills, J. C., 88 | |
Mills, J. D. 377 | |
Mills, John D., 377 | |
Mills, Jonathan, 389 | |
Mills, Julia 332 | |
Mills, Julia A., 314 | |
Mills, Lucinda, Mrs., 314 | |
Mills, Martha, 389 | |
Mills, Marvin, 314, 389 | |
Mills, Nathaniel E., 310, 314, 389 | |
Mills, Perry G., 118 | |
Mills, Philo, 310, 314, 314B, 389 | |
Mills, Philo, Jr., 389 | |
Mills, Phoebe, Mrs., 314 | |
Mills, R. B., 314 | |
Mills, Roger, 305, 310, 389 | |
Mills, Roger, Jr., 307, 389 | |
Mills, Roger, Sr., 307, 308 | |
Mills, Roger B., 312B, 389 | |
Mills, Samuel, 311 | |
Mills, Samuel G., 389 | |
Mills, Sarah, Mrs., 314 | |
Mills, Sarah A., Mrs., 314 | |
Mills, Stanley, 312, 314 | |
Mills, Volney, 305, 314 | |
Mills, Webster, 305, 312, 314, 391 | |
Mills, William, 105 | |
Mills, William R., 314, 390 | |
Mills, William W., 305, 389 | |
Minard, Dr., 95, 310 | |
Minard, Ansel L., 234 | |
Minard, Frances M., 389 | |
Minard, George, 305, 314B, 389 | |
Minard, George E., 52, 307, 389 | |
Minard, Hannah R., 314 | |
Minard, Irene, Mrs., 389 | |
Minard, Isaac, 389 | |
Minard, J. S., 50, 51, 54, 390 | |
Minard, John S., 233, 305, 312B, 314, 314B, 389 | |
Minard, Lucy, Mrs., 389 | |
Minard, Maria, Mrs., 389 | |
Minard, Mary A., Mrs., 314, 389 | |
Minard, May, 389 | |
Minard, Roswell, 314 | |
Miner, 199 | |
Miner, Absalom, Rev., 285, 287, 330 | |
Miner, A., Rev., 311 | |
Miner, A. H., 96, 177, 258 | |
Miner, Asher, 151, 152 | |
Miner, Asher W., 276, 280B, 281, 286B, 287, 287A | |
Miner, Charles A., 107, 278 | |
Miner, Cornelius W., 106 | |
Miner, Daniel C., 82 | |
Miner, Daniel V., 132 | |
Miner, Electa R., Mrs., 287 | |
Miner, Hnery A., 106 | |
Miner, Kate, 287A | |
Miner, M. W., 53 | |
Miner, Marinus, 307 | |
Miner, Martha, 190 | |
Miner, Martin, 151 | |
Miner, Martin M., 100 | |
Miner, William P., 244 | |
Minges, Charles, 318 | |
Minges, Conrad, 318 | |
Minges, Sarah A., 243 | |
Minuit, Peter, 12 | |
Mitchell, Col., 39 | |
Mitchell, George W., 107 | |
Mitz, James, 104 | |
Mix, Ebenezer, 307, 312 | |
Mix, F. E., 312B | |
Modock, Prince of Wales, 11 | |
Moffitt, Philo, 164 | |
Mohawk, John, 53 | |
Monagle, William L., 100 | |
Monahan, John, 381 | |
Monell, Robert, 93 | |
Monkton, Robert, Gen., 22 | |
Monroe, Col., 21 | |
Monroe, J. D., 96 | |
Monroe, J. D., Rev., 180 | |
Monroe, Robert, 59 | |
Montgomery, General, 27 | |
Montgomery, John, 17 | |
Moogan, Martin, 352 | |
Moon, Jeremiah, 322 | |
Moon, Jonathan, 252 | |
Moon, Nancy M., 369 | |
Moon, Thomas, 322, 369 | |
Moore, 251 | |
Moore, Miss, 3980 | |
Moore, Betsey, 256B | |
Moore, Benjamin, 238 | |
Moore, D. D. T., 86 | |
Moore, Daniel, Rev., 180, 359 | |
Moore, F. G., 355 | |
Moore, George, 376 | |
Moore, H., 262 | |
Moore, Henry, Sir, 24 | |
Moore, Hiram, 293 | |
Moore, Hiram P., 118 | |
Moore, Ithamar S., 129 | |
Moore, John, 127, 293 | |
Moore, Jonathan, 259 | |
Moore, Lucy, 334 | |
Moore, Nathan, 238 | |
Moore, Nathaniel, 238 | |
Moore, Simeon C., 77, 88, 210, 247, 248, 250, 252, 259 | |
Moore, Willard, 296 | |
Moore, William, 104 | |
Moore, William S., 222 | |
Moot, Charles, 154 | |
Moot, Mary, RMs., 154 | |
Moot, Matthias, 215 | |
Moran, John, 107 | |
Moran, Mary, 360 | |
Moran, Thomas, 262 | |
More, Daniel, Rev., 215 | |
More, Jonathan, 247 | |
Morehouse, Archibald, 183 | |
Morehouse, George E., 172 | |
Morehouse, Isaac, 183 | |
Morehouse, Lucinda, Mrs., 183 | |
Morehouse, Parish, 183 | |
Morehouse, Sarah M., 181 | |
Morgan, 46, 50 | |
Morgan, Col., 30, 31 | |
Morgan, Gov., 264 | |
Morgan, Carter H., 268A, 269 | |
Morgan, Catherine, Mrs., 269 | |
Morgan, Edwin D., 31, 206 | |
Morgan, George L., 128 | |
Morgan, Harriet N., 271 | |
Morgan, Henry C., 117, 269, 279 | |
Morgan, James K., 107 | |
Morgan, John, 122 | |
Morgan, Louisa, Mrs., 271 | |
Morgan, Lucia A., 271 | |
Morgan, Lucy, Mrs., 271 | |
Morgan, Mae, Mrs., 269 | |
Morgan, Pelatiah, 276 | |
Morgan, Ruth A., Mrs., 269 | |
Morgan, S. H., 254, 258, 261, 266 | |
Morgan, Samuel, 26, 88 | |
Morgan, Samuel H., 77, 78, 120, 247, 248, 250, 269, 271 | |
Morgan, Squire, 73, 75 | |
Morely, Charles S., 108 | |
Morely, Olive, 216 | |
Morely, William, 226, 227 | |
Morrell, Ruth, 239 | |
Morrell, Sargent, 239 | |
Morrill, 308 | |
Morris, Chief Justice, 18 | |
Morris, Charles A., 106 | |
Morris, Edward, 107 | |
Morris, J. W., 130 | |
Morris, John, 241 | |
Morris, Robert, 57, 58, 60, 61, 250 | |
Morris, Samuel H., 72 | |
Morris, Thomas, 194 | |
Morris, Thomas, Rev., 261 | |
Morris, William A., 118 | |
Morrison, Alfred W., 108 | |
Morrison, Fanny, 331 | |
Morrison, Thomas, 355 | |
Morrow, Ida N., 332 | |
Morse, Miss, 332 | |
Morse, Prof., 41 | |
Morse, Alpha, 200 | |
Morse, Alvin J., 183 | |
Morse, Betsey, 206 | |
Morse, Charles, 108 | |
Morse, Emily, Mrs., 183 | |
Morse, Eva M., 183 | |
Morse, George, 129 | |
Morse, George J., 183 | |
Morse, Horace, 226 | |
Morse, J. B., 183 | |
Morse, Julia, 183 | |
Morse, Mary, 245 | |
Morse, Newman, 207 | |
Morse, S. P., 280 | |
Morse, Sidney P., 276, 181 | |
Morse, Timothy, 183 | |
Morton, George, 371, 373 | |
Morton, George A., 373 | |
Morton, Louisa, Mrs., 373 | |
Mowery, George P., 104 | |
Mosby, 106 | |
Mose, Luther, 117 | |
Moser, Mrs., 334 | |
Moses, Aziza, 295, 297, 299 | |
Moses, Catharine, 299 | |
Moses, Daniel, 297, 299 | |
Moses, Daniel, Mrs., 297 | |
Moses, Ellen, Mrs., 299 | |
Moses, Emeline A., 299 | |
Moses, J. T., 246 | |
Moses, Jacob, 352, 353, 355 | |
Moses, James, 77 | |
Moses, John M., 86 | |
Moses, Livonia A., Mrs., 246 | |
Moses, R. H., 255, 259 | |
Moses, Reuben, 257 | |
Moses, Samuel S., 246, 296 | |
Moses, Washington, 295, 297, 299 | |
Mosier, Charles, 352 | |
Mott, Dr., 371A | |
Mott, J. M., 365 | |
Mott, J. Milton, 344 | |
Mott, James M., 80, 334 | |
Mott, Samuel M., 334 | |
Moulton, Caroline, Mrs., 246 | |
Moulton, Emily, Mrs., 246 | |
Moulton, Helen M., 245 | |
Moulton, Hiram, 244, 261 | |
Moulton, Stephen, 246 | |
Mourhess, J. T. 190 | |
Mudge, Lt., 102 | |
Muldoon, John, 119 | |
Mulhollen, William I., 132 | |
Mulkin, Mary A., Mrs., 289 | |
Mulkin, Morris C., 281, 289 | |
Mullender, Catharine, 196 | |
Mullender, John, 77, 80 | |
Mullin, George W., 135 | |
Muncy, Aurelia, 165 | |
Mundy, Ann, Mrs., 299 | |
Mundy, Edward, 226, 227 | |
Mundy, Michael, 226 | |
Mundy, Michael G., 227 | |
Mundy, N. V., 228 | |
Mundy, Stephen, 94, 225, 226, 227, 229 | |
Mundy, Stephen, Jr., 227 | |
Mungar, 323, 357 | |
Mungar, Mrs., 357 | |
Mungar, Henry W., 118 | |
Mungar, Jerome S., 132 | |
Mungar, O., Rev., 204 | |
Munsell, Adeline, 314, 339 | |
Munsell, Gurdon, 390 | |
Munsford, Lafayette, 135 | |
Munson, 70, 71 | |
Munson, Eliza, 157 | |
Munson, Jeremiah, 197 | |
Murdaugh, Homer, 211 | |
Murphy, Horton M., 117 | |
Murphy, Perry, 142 | |
Murphy, William D., 359 | |
Murray, John, 242 | |
Murray, Laura, 246 | |
Myers, Christian, 154 | |
Myers, Delos, 129 | |
Myers, Dora, Mrs., 154 | |
Myers, Mary, Mrs., 154 |